Anatomy and Physiology Bio 110 lab quiz study guide Intro. to the Human Skeleton System
Parietal bone Temporal bone mandible Frontal bone maxilla Zygomatic bone Occipital bone Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Lacrimal bone Nasal bone Human Skeleton: the head
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Quiz Yourself Answers 1.Parietal bone 2.Frontal bone 3.Temporal bone 4.Occipital bone 5.Sphenoid bone 6.Ethmoid bone 7.Lacrimal bone 8.Nasal bone 9.Zygomatic bone 10. Maxilla 11. Mandible
clavicle body humerus manubrium Xiphoid process sternum Vertebrae Scapula Ribs Human Skeleton: Rib cage and shoulder region
Quiz Yourself 7 8 9
Quiz Yourself Answers 1.Humerus 2.Clavicle 3.Stermum 4.Manubrium 5.Body 6.Xiphoid process 7.Vertebrae 8.Scapula 9.Ribs 7 8 9
Radius (on the same side as the thumb) ulna carpals metacarpals phalanges Human skeleton: forearm and hand
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Radius 2.Ulna 3.Carpals 4.Metacarpals 5.Phalanges Quiz Yourself Answers
Ilium Ischium pubis Pubic symphysis (a joint) Sacrum coccyx Human Skeleton: hips
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Quiz Yourself Answers 1.Ileum 2.Ischium 3.Pubis 4.Sacrum 5.Pubic symphysis 6.Coccyx
Upper leg Lower leg Femur Patella Tibia Fibula Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges Calcaneous (heel bone) Human Skeleton: Thigh, Leg, and Foot
Upper leg Lower leg Quiz Yourself 8
Upper leg Lower leg Quiz Yourself Answers 1.Femur 2.Patella 3.Tibia 4.Fibula 5.Tarsals 6.Metatarsals 7.Phalanges 8.Calcaneous 8