Division of Risk Management State of Florida Loss Prevention Program
You will be able to: Understand you are responsible for safety. Provide a clear definition of safety attitude. Think about safety in all work situations. Teach and talk about safety. Model safety.
Prevents injuries. Keeps the company OSHA compliant. Prepares for the unexpected. Improves work environment and morale.
Safety is priority 1. Safety as a core value.
Think about safety. Talk about safety. Work safely. Safety as a habit. Safety part of your character.
Management. Safety manager. Supervisor. You.
Provide a safe environment. Provide safety equipment. Teach children safety. Lead by example.
Show concern for others. Stay informed about safety. Follow safety rules and procedures. Identify hazards. Stay healthy, fit, and focused.
Complacency. Carelessness. Recklessness. Fatigue.
Any questions about the definition of a safety attitude, developing safety as a core value, or your responsibility for safety?
Consider the hazards. Wear PPE. Inspect machines and equipment. Get training. Follow lockout/tagout procedures. Perform maintenance only if authorized.
Consider your back. Utilize material-handling aids. Evaluate the load and clear the path. Use PPE. Lift properly.
Consider the hazards. Read the label or MSDS. Wear PPE. Follow storage and handling procedures.
Requires initiative and responsibility. Prevents injuries. Prevents fires. Ensures access to evacuation routes and emergency equipment.
Fire extinguisher locations. Emergency exits. First Aid and CPR.
Home projects. Automobile safety. Sports activities. Safety officer for your children.
Learn about PPE, machine guarding, working with chemicals, evacuation routes. Learn safe operating and working procedures. Ask questions or suggest additional training. Conduct training.
Any questions about how a person with a safety attitude is always thinking about safety?
Discuss safety hazards. Provide safety suggestions and report hazards. Initiate safety discussions.
Teach others about safety hazards. Teach others about PPE. Teach about safe operating procedures. Stop unsafe acts.
Discuss safety hazards. Teach safe procedures. Encourage safe behavior and use of PPE. Discuss emergency plans.
Wear PPE. Inspect equipment, machinery, and chemical labels. Follow safe operating procedures. Understand workplace hazards. Be involved with safety meetings or the safety committee.
Compliment others for following safe working procedures. Compliment others for wearing PPE. Put a stop to horseplay. Tell management about unsafe conditions, procedures, or acts.
Get plenty of sleep. Eat nutritious meals. Start a stretching and exercising program. Manage stress. Avoid drugs and alcohol.
Any questions about how a person with a safety attitude talks and walks safety?
Make safety a value. Safety is your responsibility. Learn to assess and correct hazards. Talk and teach safety. Model your safety attitude.
For more information on this subject, please contact: Division of Risk Management State of Florida Loss Prevention Program (850)