1 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Lab #2 IOC Database
2 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Lab #2 Outline 1.Look at the example database used for Lab #1 2.Learn how to use the vdct database editor 3.Create some new records and functionality 4.Run the IOC and load the new records 5.Use cau, probe or edm to test the new functionality 6.Repeat steps 3-5 until it works
3 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Examine yesterday’s database Use the linux more command (or your favorite text editor) to look at the file ~/example/db/dbExample1.db Work out how the $(user):calcExample record field values configure the record to generate the sawtooth pattern we saw yesterday Look at the file ~/example/dbd/example.dbd Start the IOC by typing cd ~/example/iocBoot/iocexample../../bin/linux-x86/example st.cmd Look at the commands it executed from the st.cmd file, and what messages were reported Type help at the epics prompt for a list of commands
4 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Example1.db record(ai, "$(user):aiExample") { field(DESC, "Analog input") field(INP, "$(user):calcExample.VAL NPP NMS") field(EGUF, "10") field(EGU, "Counts") field(HOPR, "10") field(LOPR, "0") field(HIHI, "8") field(HIGH, "6") field(LOW, "4") field(LOLO, "2") field(HHSV, "MAJOR") field(HSV, "MINOR") field(LSV, "MINOR") field(LLSV, "MAJOR") }
5 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Example1.db (cont’d) record(calc, "$(user):calcExample") { field(DESC, "Counter") field(SCAN,"1 second") field(FLNK, "$(user):aiExample") field(CALC, "(A<B)?(A+C):D") field(INPA, "$(user):calcExample.VAL NPP NMS") field(INPB, "9") field(INPC, "1") field(INPD, "0") field(EGU, "Counts") field(HOPR, "10") field(HIHI, "8") field(HIGH, "6") field(LOW, "4") field(LOLO, "2") field(HHSV, "MAJOR") field(HSV, "MINOR") field(LSV, "MINOR") field(LLSV, "MAJOR") }
6 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS How to edit databases in vdct You can either create a new database file for your PVs or add them to the file ~/example/db/dbExample1.db To start vdct: cd ~/example vdct & Select a database definition file: In the dialog box, select and open dbd/example.dbd To modify the existing db/dbExample1.db file: Use the File/Open menu item, or the left-most toolbar button Edit away (see Help Topics menu item or vdct manual for keys) Save the edited (or new) database... From file menu, pick Save or Save as../db/_.db If you created a new database, edit ~/example/iocBoot/iocexample/st.cmd and add a line to load your new database.
7 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Suggested Database Changes バイナリ入力レコードを追加し、 caclExample レコードの カウント動作を停止・継続を制御する。 How many other ways can you devise of controlling whether calcExample cycles or not? Adding new records is allowed and even encouraged Add another binary input record, and some logic to only permit oscillation when both records are “On” Extend this so that the sawtooth only stops after the permit has been withdrawn once its value reaches zero Replace the sawtooth generator with one that is smoother (i.e. doesn't just go up in integer steps)
8 2003/P571: Lab #2 : IOC Database EPICS Additional Database Exercises Add the following line to ~/ioc/iocBoot/iocexample/st.cmd asSetFilename("rules.cas") Change studnt_:calcExample.ASG to SUPERUSER. Add other security conditions as desired. UAG(users) {studnt_} ASG(DEFAULT) { RULE(1, READ) RULE(1, WRITE) } ASG(SUPERUSER) { RULE(1, READ) RULE(1, WRITE) { UAG(users) } Implement Channel Access Security in your IOC so that only studnt_ can modify studnt_:calcExample. Create an access security configuration file named rules.cas in ~/ioc/iocBoot/iocexample