California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE AB 912 (Gordon) – Dissolution AB 89 (Budget) – VLF AB 1430 (Committee) – CKH Definitions AB 54 (Solorio) – Mutual Water SB 244 (Wolk) – DUCs SB 46 (Correa) – Disclosure AB 46 & 781 (Perez) – Vernon ABX1 41 (Solorio) – VLF Restoration
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Allows LAFCo to dissolve district Prior action in an MSR, Sphere, Report Initiated by Board – Immediate No protest, no election Initiated by Affected Agency, LAFCo or Petition No election, terminate upon 50% protest
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Redirects VLF from cities to safety Dramatically affects incorporations and inhabited annexations since 2006 Had received enhanced VLF funding to compensate for VLF-property tax swap AB 1602 (Laird) VLF fix in 2006
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Increases VLF by 0.15% 1 January 2012 Restores VLF to pre-1 July 2011 allocations to local governments Cities VLF “Bump” County of Orange Funds Local Law Enforcement Account
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Annual bill sponsored by CALAFCO This year: 85 sections; 29 pages 60 sections updated definitions 25 sections updated related sections of Act Major improvement in clarity
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Submit boundary map to LAFCo By 31 December 2012 Respond to LAFCo request for information Annex territory served by mutual to city or district MSR: compliance with Safe Drinking Act Permissive option for LAFCo
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Defines Disadvantaged Unincorporated Communities (DUC) Inhabited territory: §56046 or Commission Annexation of contiguous uninhabited territory to a DUC requires 2 applications 10+ acres or Commission policy Exempt if previous vote or written evidence
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Sphere updates of districts or cities with DUCs within sphere of influence Consider sewer, water, structural fire needs Municipal Service Reviews of districts or cities with DUCs within or contiguous to SOI Consider sewer, water, structural fire needs
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Affects all who file a Form 700 statement of economic interests Disclose all compensation Including reimbursements and all monetary and nonmonetary perqs Posted on agency web site Includes LAFCo
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Disincorporates any city less than 150 unless Board of Supervisors takes action Creates a dependent CSD for that territory Circumvents CKH application process Allows LAFCo to adopt or oversee terms and conditions for both actions
2011 ANNUAL CALAFCO CONFERENCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Revision of Protest Requirements Two stage approach Expand Authority for Service Extensions § proposal Special District Consolidation & Review Legislative Analyst Office report California Forward Initiatives