Scientific Method Short Notes Rgjm0KJU
What are the steps? From the music video, and your background knowledge, can you tell me some of the steps of the scientific method?
The method behind the madness… The scientific method is a list of steps that help us go from a problem to a solution. The scientific method is flexible. Sometimes we add in steps, remove steps, or change steps.
Problem The question you want to answer.
Research Any background knowledge you already have or any new information you find out.
Hypothesis An educated guess to your problem. This is based on your experiment.
Conduct Experiment This is where you lay out and go through with a plan to solve your problem.
Independent Variable – The piece you are manipulating, can be found in the “ if ” part of your hypothesis Dependent Variable – The piece you are measuring, can be found in the “ then ” part of your hypothesis Control Variable – Everything else that remains the same
Analyze Data Qualitative Data – observing something like color, texture, taste, smell Quantitative Data – uses numbers to describe data (Hint: Quality = numbers)
Conclusion In the conclusion you analyze your data, discuss error, ask additional questions and plan your next experiment