Un-succesed Development Plan without women Increase discrimination to women Increase Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) Increase violence against women Increase conflict in community Realization of sustainable development with out involvement of women
The Interim Constitution ensures that the Women’s right as a fundamental rights (article 20) Emphasis on Policy, Legal and Institutional reform to eliminate all forms of discrimination, the protection and rehabilitation of the conflict affected women, Gender mainstreaming in all sector of development Affirmative actions insuring 33 % representation of women in all state machinery
Elimination of gender based violence Institutional capacity development of the national mechanism for gender mainstreaming engendering the macroeconomic framework and implementation of the gender management system.
1945: Establishment of UN 1948: Human right declaration 1963: Convention on Political rights of women 1966: Bill of rights *Civil and political rights * Economic, social and cultural rights Address gender mainstreaming in ECOSOC
1979: Convention on the elimination of all form of discrimination against women ( Nepal had ratified) 1990: ICPD (Focused on reproductive right of women) 1991: Queto protocol (Focused on sustainable development and concern with gender in all development practices) 1995: 4 th Conference of CEDAW and find out 12 critical areas of BPFA
1999: Establishment of MWCSW 2000: MDG (Integrated all concerns in one place and found out 8 areas of development ) 2002: GFP formed in Nepal 2004:GRBC formed 2007: Started gender budget in development program Now 17.3% Gender budget aloocated.
CEDAW BPFA Anti-trafficking of women and girl 10 year national plan of action for children Gender based violence
Child Right Human Trafficking Domestic Violence Gender and Child Right Mainstreaming guidelines (District level)
Started in 2013 B.S. B.S.: 6 th Development Plan (WID, welfare approach), Focused women education, health, family planning, capacity development ( addressed only practical need ) : 7 th Development Plan (WAD, participatory approach) : 9 th Development Plan (GAD, right based approach) : 10 th Development Plan (Develop GM strategy for gender equality, women empowerment, economic growth and alleviation of poverty
: Welfare approach : Participatory Approach Till : Right based approach (inclusive development approach)
Women Development Program based on NPA ( CEDAW and BPFA) 1982: Started WDP (PCRW) Present : 75 Distract, 3043 VDC and member in rural, poor and marginalized women Women co-operative :1410 (CBO’s) Target Group : Poor, ultra poor and multiple poor
Implement the approved program on women's development Assist the ministry in formulation policy and legislation on women's development Monitor and evaluate women's development Impact the necessary skill training to women Carryout functions women's empowerment
Carryout functions related to controlling trafficking in girl prostitution, domestic violence and other offences against women Carryout functions related to national or international seminars, symposia and conference on women and Collect and publish information on women's development based on national plan of action on CEDAW and BPFA
Organize women into neighborly group of 4- 7 member and start mobilization savings Federate neighborly group into ward level (inter group) committees Impart gender training 3 days duration to husbands and wives together
Carry out need based activities, including those related to earning a livelihood Mobilize revolving funds Federate ward level committees into VDC level co-operatives and Take the back seat and support women – led initiatives.