1 16/09/ Listening to the Student Voice to Shape the Digital Learner Experience Dr Neil Witt Dr Anne McDermott E-LEARN World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education
2 2 ‣ How are (personal, social, workplace, community, political, academic, professional...) practices changing as a result of digital technologies and networks? ‣ What kind of graduates will thrive in these new practice contexts? ‣ What experiences do students need to have to become fluent in these practices? How do they integrate these experiences into coherent personal, professional and learning pathways? ‣ How can universities better value, support and develop these practices? Rethinking graduate attributes
3 3 Sources for thinking: Plymouth TEL strategy ‣ Technology-enhanced is the norm ('embedding of TEL and associated pedagogies') ‣ Institutional technologies are not the only show in town ‣ Multiply-located, discontinuous, multi- media, interdisciplinary experiences ‣ Only 'digitally literate staff and students' can knit it all together
4 4 Sources for thinking: Graduate destinations ‣ Loss of traditional professional jobs: more associate professional, technical ‣ Emerging ('modern' and 'new') professions dominated by ICT and digital media ‣ More graduates go on to be self-employed; rise of the 'portfolio; career ‣ Changing career patterns and employment opportunities ‣ >90% of all jobs require ICT competence
5 5 ‣ Review of best practice and sector recommendations ‣ Focus groups of institutional decision makers ‣ Institutional audit of all strategic documentation, policies, processes etc. ‣ Cross faculty student focus groups ‣ Cross institutional survey of students ’ attitudes, experience, confidence and needs related to the use and ownership of technology What we did
6 6 The focus groups ‣ Students across faculties (x3) plus sixth form students (x1) ‣ Card sorts, open ended questions ‣ Exploring technology ownership, use, and practice ‣ Exploring expectations and ambitions for university study
7 7 Findings ‣ Students want 24/7 access to course info & learning materials, on the devices they use ‣ They expect to use their own technologies on campus: but these are often less up-to-date, portable or robust than we might imagine ‣ They have diverse preferences for social and communicational media: some like to separate personal / study spaces ‣ They need opportunities to reflect on and develop their own strategies for using TEL: induction, skills sessions, e-portfolios help ‣ There is a need for consistency from tutors, and clarity about digital practices at course level ‣ Students value e-learning experiences where these are clearly relevant to their long-term goals
8 8 The survey ‣ Based on Learning Literacy in a Digital Age (LLiDA) ‣ Expands on the LLiDA tool to include questions related to the ownership and use of mobile technologies ‣ The survey was made available during November and December 2010 to all students at the University of Plymouth and its partner colleges ‣ An inviting their participation was sent to each student ’ s university address (N=2053)
9 9 Findings
Findings ‣ View course information, e.g. deadline notices, course messages etc. ‣ View exam and course timetables ‣ View library record - charges summary and which books are reserved, requested, booked and loaned ‣ Receive alerts relating to IT services, library, course info, etc. ‣ Check PC availability in Open Access Labs ‣ Search the University Directory - call or contacts and add them directly to the phone's address book ‣ Campus Maps & Locations using GPS ‣ Access to the Virtual Learning Environment ‣ Subscribe to various University News & Events e.g. public lectures ‣ Friend Locator - see where friends are on the campus and contact them ‣ Tag your pictures to University campus map locations and share them
Building Capacity – the student voice What are you going to do now?
The way forward? Mobile Plymouth The Plymouth Student pre-entry social network Student Voice is vital Embed into ‘ enhancing the student experience ’ Sustainable Innovation Plymouth has just been awarded £100k for a 2 year Digital Literacy Project
technologyenhancedlearning.ne t Thank you for listening Any questions or comments? For further information please contact at….. Dr Neil Witt Head of TEL