Group 4 This presentation was in no way created at 1AM by Sam after being at work until half 9. Just saying. Not making a fuss.
The Roles Sam Being extremely handsome The main “overcoat” to all documents Wiki page editing If the other two can’t do it, I will. Fact. Risk assessments Elli In charge of the Year 12 trip research Looking at different ways of brainstorming etc. Dave Being just Dave In charge of the Year 13 research. The main elements of a trip
The initial ideas List of Trips Year 12 University trip Keele University to give the students an insight of what University life is like. It is important for the students to have a good understanding of what university life involves. Attend a lecture and have a feel of what the ICT course is about. Airport, to see how ICT is incorporated in the day-to-day operations of either Birmingham International or Nottingham East Midlands Airport. Call centre, to look at the different systems and processes. List of Trips Year 13 - Year 13 trips will be designed as more "casual" as it is their last year.** A day out to a theme park (Drayton Manor or Alton Towers) with a detailed talk of the computing technology that is involved in the designing and operation of the thrill rides. Computer technology is a major part of running a well-oiled theme park. Trip to an Apple shop within the UK. Could perhaps hold a "lesson" from an employee whom will explain Apple's strategies, technologies and maybe even future aspirations!
What must we consider? We will need to consider the reasons which may limit the choice of trips to put forward: Cost Transportation Group size Accessibility If any of these prove to be a problem, then there will be a struggle to have the chosen trip put into action.
Year 12 Trip – Keele University University trip Keele University to give the students an insight of what University life is like. It is important for the students to have a good understanding of what university life involves. We will organise for the year 12 students to attend a lecture and have a feel of what the ICT course is about. As the teachers from Stapenhill Sixth Form already have contacts with Keele University we have decided this will help us with making this educational trip happen. The approximate price of the transport to allow us to take 20 students to Keele University for the day will cost roughly £200. This would have to be funded by the students of Stapenhill Sixth Form. We will need to charge the students an estimate price of £10 - £15.
Year 13 Trip – Drayton Manor Trip to Drayton manor theme park will allow the students to see how the rides function via computer systems at the park, by having a lecture/meeting with the parks computing employees. The transport to Drayton manor will be provided by Swiftsure travel, which has a 22 seater, as there will be 18 students and two members of staff which will mean the majority of the seats will be filled (and this will also bring the overall cost down for the students!)
Gantt Chart This will be applicable to either trip, of course with minor alterations to the dates (which can be decided at a later date) < See what I did there?
Success Criteria – Y12 Year 12 trip will be a success if: The students respond positively to the trip (a questionnaire will be circulated to ask their opinions on how much they learned) The students feel more confident with their future plans The students had a fun day out!
Success criteria – Y13 The trip will be a success if: Students return from the trip with a broader idea on how ICT is implemented into the day-to-day running of not only a theme park, but worldwide businesses. Students had a fun time as well as learning about the importance of ICT.
Any questions?