Annual Meeting, June , Split, Croatia WP1: Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status EMODnet Chemistry Partner (subcontractor) contribution: TSU, Georgia
Data collection and metadata compilation in BS region – points of observation EMODnet Chemistry
Current Situation June, 2014 (Number of datasets) PARTNER, SUBCONTRACTOR EDMERPEDMEDCDI SRF GAMNA TSU-DNA
PARAMETERS MEASURED EMODnet Chemistry HYDROBIOLOGY Zooplankton Phytoplankton Bentos Epifauna HYDROCHEMISTRY Salinity Conductivity pH PO4 NH4 NO3 NO2 Si Suspended matters Chlorophyll Dissolved oxygen, DO saturation SEDIMENT CHEMISTRY Heavy metals TPH Metals in suspended matter
Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status Parameters in seawater EMODnet Chemistry GroupNo Nutrientes24 Chlorophyl9 Dissolved gases9 Temperature, salinity, pH67 Suspended mater41 TPH39 Parameters in sediment GroupNo metals4 TPH39 Total Organic Mater28 Metals in Suspended Material11 Already submitted (or in progress)
Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: Next steps EMODnet Chemistry Parameters in seawater GroupNo Nutrientes15 Chlorophyl5 Dissolved gases5 Temperature, salinity, pH40 Suspended mater25 TPH25 GroupNo metals5 TPH25 Total Organic Mater20 Metals in Suspended Material10 Parameters in sediment Data will be collected in frames of diferent projects
Thank you very much!