Chapter 6 Key Terms, People & Places
Chapter 6 Section 1 1) Geography – features of a given region such as climate, land, elevation, soil, vegetation, and population. 2) Mesoamerica- the cultural region made up of Mexico and Central America.
Chapter 6 Section 1 3) Maize – the Native American name for corn. 4) Olmecs – an early American civilization emerged along the Gulf Coast of Mexico. 5) Stela – A stone monument or pillar bearing an inscription or design.
Chapter 6 Section 1 6) Valley of Mexico – an area of Mexico located in the high plateau of central Mexico. 7) Tenochtitlan – the capital city if the Aztec empire. 8) Chinampas – artificial islands used to garden vegetables.
Chapter 6 Section 1 9) Tribute - a payment or liability 10) Teotihuacan – a dominate and well organized city with wide roads, temples, apartment buildings and the pyramid of the Sun and the Moon.