This should appear before final day of Bacteria Agar plates but we had a holiday on Growth Day 5
Essential Question: EQ: Are all bacteria harmful to humans? LT: Students will be able to compare and contrast virus and bacteria POU: I can determine the difference between helpful and harmful bacteria I can create a Venn Diagram to analyze Viruses vs Bacteria
F and R for Thursday, 11/13 Write on the last page of your Notebook 1.What are two things that make bacteria different from viruses? Voice Level “0” *Homework: Bacteria Growth Wkst Due Tomorrow**
VIRUSES ARE SPECIFIC IN THE CELLS THEY INFECT Rabies: only nervous system cells of mammals Common cold: infects cells on airway passage to lungs Tobacco mosaic virus: only tobacco plants…not wheat or corn
Bacteria eat by…? Make their own food from sunlight—like plants or Some are scavengers – Share the environment around them Example: The bacteria in your stomach are now eating what you ate for breakfast Some are pathogenic – They attack other living things Example: The bacteria on your face can attack skin causing infection and acne Photosynthetic bacteria Harmless bacteria on the stomach lining E. Coli O157:H7 is a pathogen USDA NIFSI Food Safety in the Classroom© University of Tennessee, Knoxville 2006
2 nd Quarter Table of Contents 1 Title Assignment # Coming Soon 2 Viruses- Notes 3 Microbe Vocab- Frayer on Back 4 Brainpop: Virus (Front) and Bacteria(Back) 5 Bacteria Growth Lab (2 pages) 6 Bacteria Notes 7 Virus vs Bacteria Venn 8
Venn Diagram You will work in groups to create poster and a chart in your notebooks
Create a Venn Diagram on posters for Viruses and Bacteria Venn 8 Virus Bacteria
Use the questions from Life Science Probes
Mythbusters- “5 second rule” (Write on back of page 6) 1. Define the “5 second rule”- 2. Before watching this video I think ….. 3. Take notes (8 items) 4. How is the Mythbusters experiment similar/different from ours? 5. After watching this video, I think …..
Mythbusters 5 Second Rule (RED ASSIGNMENTS)
Mythbusters- “5 second rule” (Write on back of page 6) 1. Define the “5 second rule”- 2. Before watching this video I think ….. 3. Take notes (8 items) 4. How is the Mythbusters experiment similar/different from ours? 5. After watching this video, I think …..