OPENING Kaylins cradles is a none profit organization that will help your baby to go from the devil to a sleepy angel with the patented design of our cradles.
SITUATION Our current Space and Staff is very minimum we have 2 staff for every event and 7 acres of land for each event. The space and staff poses a number of problems: 1.The small area makes it uncomfortable and crowded with 100 sum people for each event. 2.We sometimes have no staff at the events because they can’t show up under their circumstances. 3.We have to cut people from coming to the events because they are full. 4.The number of staff that we have for each event are unable to control all of the contributors for each event. 5.It is difficult to clean up after the events with the amount of staff we have vs. all of the contributors that attend each event.
ACTIONS We have discussed a number of measures to address this problem. 1.Promote and advertise for new staff and assistants: At $1,000 for one commercial on TV that lasts for one minute, adds in the paper with cost us $75 per add but people barley read the newspaper anymore. 2.Remodel the event rooms: this method would be thought to make the space look larger and higher class but we used cheap dark paint and there is fingerprints and markings all over the walls it was a disaster and expensive. 3.Put more of the events outdoors: there is more than enough room outside so it became less crowded and there was more air flow. However there were a lot of complaints about the heat, itchy grass, bugs, and allergies.
RECOMMENDATIONS I recommend that we expand the acreage to give more room for indoor and outdoor events and the store, place bug nets around the outdoor events, and expand each room for the indoor events to give more space for the contributors. In my opinion, the best area for Kaylin’s cradles and the events to be places lies on a 16 acre plot of land located in Somerset WI, For the proper amount of space, with the following specifics: 1.Dimensions: Room heights: 50x60 ; Room Width:50x60 2.Paint: light layer of primer under 2 coats of a nice light cream color to brighten up the room without getting finger prints and marks all over the wall. We would like to also re paint every year to cover up any marks that may be present. 3.Floor: generic wood floor to give a nice inexpensive touch to the room. 4.Modifications: adding air conditioning, speakers, bug nets, vending machines, and drinking fountains will help up the comfort ability for each and every contributor. 5.Staff: about 5 or 6 staff for each event to keep everything under control and help maintain the area. 6.New supplies: cleaning supplies, new and improved cradles, and supplies for each event. 7.Frame structure: Rectangular steel tube frame, stress-tested to meet the demands of heavy use.
IMPLEMENT To help pay for these renovations, we can use a number of revenue sources 1.Building endowment: We have $6,000 available per year for facility upgrades. 2.Buy a cradle program: Supporters can “buy” a cradle-and perhaps platinum supporters will buy whole cradle sets and rows. 3.Recycling: We can dismantle the current cradles and sell the plastic and metal to a recycling plant. 4.Auction: We can earmark the proceeds from the pre-show auction to cradle replacement raffle: We can earmark the proceeds from the raffle for seat replacements. New space, staff, and cradles will improve comfort, look, and image of our facility, not just now but for years to come the new floors and paint will put a nice appropriate look to the new place. The events for the none-profit organization will also bring the community to contribute for Kaylin’s cradles. If you need more information or wish to discuss this proposal, please call me at or me at Attachments: 4 cradle catalogs
EVALUATE Space and staff will help this company in many ways; more sales, profits, and cradles. The space will provide comfort for the needs of the customers. Also more staff will help provide each customer with there preferred product. In essence space and staff will build our company up.
CITATIONS 0&bih=930&q=devil+baby&oq=devil+ba&gs_l=img.1.0.0l j ac.1.40.img OrmE3RqVzzY#hl=en&q= sleeping+baby&tbm=ischhttps:// 0&bih=930&q=devil+baby&oq=devil+ba&gs_l=img.1.0.0l j ac.1.40.img OrmE3RqVzzY#hl=en&q= sleeping+baby&tbm=isch 0&bih=930&q=devil+baby&oq=devil+ba&gs_l=img.1.0.0l j ac.1.40.img OrmE3RqVzzYhttps:// 0&bih=930&q=devil+baby&oq=devil+ba&gs_l=img.1.0.0l j ac.1.40.img OrmE3RqVzzY