In Chapter 9, Bryson introduces us to several “characters” who have accomplished the task of successfully hiking the AT. Re-familiarize yourself with the first few pages of Chapter 9 – why would he include these peoples’ stories at this point in the book? What do all of these people have in common with one another? How might the conclusions Bryson leads us to draw from these stories contribute to his lack of or development of ethos?
Re-read the section of Chapter 10 where Bryson alludes to this famous painting. It begins on page 116. …let me know when you’re done…
Using the skills you learned in our first unit, try to rhetorically analyze the painting. Use the questions on the top of page 132 in your text book to help you Once you have answered all of these questions, then analyze Bryson’s purpose for alluding to this painting in this chapter. Think of the context of the allusion – what comes before and after the allusion in the book?