The first slide is your title page. It must include. A clever title with your animal’s name A picture of your animal Your name
Title Page (Delete this title and write one of your own.)
Physical Description This will be the title of your next slide. Include a different picture of your animal Write a detailed description
Physical Description
Food Chain This is the title of your third slide. Include another picture of your animal, what it eats, or what eats it. How it is classified (carnivore, herbivore, omnivore) Describe what your animal eats and how it gets its food Describe what eats your animal
Food Chain
Habitat This is the title of your fourth slide Include a picture of your animal or a map of where in the world your animal lives Write a description of your animal’s habitat
Family This is the title of your fifth slide. Include a picture of your animal and its family, if you can find one Describe who is in your animal and how it takes care of its babies
Interesting Facts This is the title of your sixth slide. Include a picture of your animal or something that has to do with any interesting facts you find Write at least two interesting and little known facts about your animal
Interesting Facts