Groups 2 and 3
The three lesson plans we chose came from the website Lesson One – The Bird Can Blog: Online Writing with a Twist. (Grades 3-5) html Lesson Two - Scriptwriting with a Wiki (Grades 6-8) html Lesson Three – A Favorite Poem (Grades 9-12) html
Lesson 1 – The Bird Can Blog
Lesson 2 – Scriptwriting with a Wiki
Lesson 3 – A Favorite Poem
Animal Report PowerPoint Presentation Brief Description Students will explore and locate specific information pertaining to animals using the internet as their search tool. They will then incorporate this into a PowerPoint Presentation to share with their peers. Grades – 3-5 Duration – One Month
Objectives Students will: navigate the internet by using a variety of search engines to gather information about the animal of their choice will use the PowerPoint template given to them to report their findings about their animal will download pictures from the internet to attach to their Presentation Materials Needed - student access to word processing and internet - Smart Board or LCD projector for the teacher to use
NETS for Teachers: - Standard 1 – Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity - Standard 2 – Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments - Standard 3 – Model Digital- Age Work and Learning - Standard 4 – Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility NETS for Students: - Standard 1 – Creativity and Innovation - Standard 2 – Communication and Collaboration - Standard 3 – Research and Information Fluency - Standard 6 – Technology Operations and Concepts
(GCO8) Students will be expected to use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences and learnings; and to use their imaginations. (GCO9)Students will be able to create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a range of audiences and purposes. (GCO10) Students will be expected to use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and media products to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.
Step 1 – Open PowerPoint that is provided by Teacher My Animal Template for Lesson Plan.ppt Step 2 – Add your name to the text box at the bottom of the slide. Step 3 – Change the WordArt title to your animal’s name and insert a picture of your animal. Step 4 – Scroll down to the next slide, Habitat and insert a picture of your animal in its habitat. Step 5 – Click on textbox to write a description about your animal’s habitat Step 6 – Scroll down to the next slide and repeat the steps above. Step 7 – Complete the rest of the slides using the steps above. Step 8 – Save and Print Step 9 – Present to the class.
Students will be assessed on their ability to: manage time when doing their research provide accurate information from appropriate websites that pertains to their animal include a well written description using complete sentences and a picture from the Internet and/or Clip Art on each slide. present their PowerPoint in a clear and easy to understand manner to their classmates
English Language Arts Curriculum, Elementary K-3, New Brunswick Department of Education Curriculum Development Branch, New Brunswick, 1998 Roblyer, M.D. and Doering, H. Aaron., Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 6 th Edition, 2010 Pearson Education Canada