ALL ABOUT VOLCANOES BOOM! A volcano just erupted ! You might need to use these tips for when you’re in a volcano eruption: what causes volcanoes, what are the effects, what happens to the people who are in an eruption and last but not least, safety precautions .
WHAT CAUSES A VOLCANO TO ERUPT Firstly, you should take this advise if you are ever in a volcano eruption. Something that causes a volcano to erupt is that magma rises to the surface. Magma is lava but inside the earth. Lava is the stuff on the outside of the earth. The way it turns out is gray because it burned and dries and hardens.
EFFECT TO LAND AND PEOPLE Importantly, it effects the climate on a global scale. If there is a forest it could knock all of the trees down to the ground. And it effects the people by covering the people and where they live with ash.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR VOLCANOES Very importantly, is safety precautions if caught near steam coming from the earth. Be aware of mud flows you might want to stay away from volcanoes. They are very dangerous, when lava flows earth recalls.
THE ENDING Volcanoes are very dangerous on Earth. But they don’t really erupt that often. So I just wanted to tell you about volcanoes and safety precautions. I also wanted to tell you about what causes a volcano to erupt and the effects after a volcano has just erupted. HELP!