By Ben Olson Hour 7
Why Should There Be An Age Requirement? Promote Education Careers After Sports Allow Time To Mature
Age Requirements Now NBA NHL and MLB s1.jpg
Age Requirements Now NFL FIFA / MLS s/11/22/clarett1118/maurice_clarett. jpg 000/13008_news.jpg
Athletes Would Finish Education Problems now with the NBA’s requirement Bob Knight’s thought on the rule
Athletes Would Finish Education 80 percent of high school athletes that went to NBA became millionaires before turning 21 Most athletes don’t finish or receive degrees cs- cas/biology/images/ money_1.jpg
The Gain Vs The Risk Risk of Injuries Does money affect choice? Hype for the league
Conclusion In conclusion I believe that all professional sports leagues should make an age requirement because it would show they care about education, they care about their player’s well being, and that they care about the player’s career after sports.