Vehicle Trends Justin Wilke ME
Motor Vehicle Types Heavy-duty vehicles and diesels are negligible when compared to the total Total number of vehicles increase every year Where there is a reduced number of cars in a year the number of light-duty trucks increases
Light Duty Vehicle Trend Light duty vehicles show a steady increase from 1970 to shows a steep decline in numbers The decline is people choosing SUV’s over cars Have a small increase per year starting in 1993 Numbers in 1989 are now approx. to 2002, after a 9 year recovery
Light Duty Truck Trend A steady slow steady growth in truck numbers from shows a start in the boom in light duty trucks From 1985 there is a near 2.9 million new trucks per year added
Why light duty trucks? Starting in 1986 popularity increased 1990 saw the start of the SUV trend Early ’90s show the SUV trend skyrocketed the number of light duty trucks on the road and market Technology improvements in fuel efficiency, power delivery, ride comfort and safety have led to greater popularity
Population and Vehicle Growth Population and total vehicle numbers continue to rise each year. Change in vehicle growth per change in population growth shows a slight decrease overall In years 1991 and 2002 the population actually grew at a faster rate than the total number of vehicles
Passenger/Vehicle Passenger miles have steadily increased over the pass 20 years Biggest change occurring in light-duty trucks with more people riding more miles. Passengers per light-duty truck has overall increased by 27%. Passengers per vehicle in the other three categories have remained relatively the same.