Washington County ARES September 2014
Upgrades & Certificates Unit Certification
Unit Certification - Basic I. Basic Certification Functional in 6 hours 4 members = 72 hours – 12 on 12 off ICS courses IS-100,IS-200, and IS-700. Additionally, the EC has completed all of the foregoing classes. The ARES/RACES unit participates in at least one of two annual Section Simulated Emergency Tests (SET)
Stations – Served Agencies
Oregon ARES Leadership Conference August Sisters, Oregon
New computers New Templates for Winlink RMS Express is the standard ARRL Emergency Advisory Committtee Need Credentialing on Ntnl scale Strategic ODOT (annual training)
Oregon ARES web site oregonaresraces.org – register and log in ARES HF Net – 1 st & 3 rd Tuesdays have message to give
DSTAR Net KD7RFI Synopsis Sundays at 8PM
Oregon ARES/RACES September 2014 Mash Up September 13, – 1400 The September Mash Up is an Oregon ARES/RACES emergency power, field exercise to be held Saturday, September 13th. The purpose of the exercise is to promote training in emergency communications, Exercise equipment Build partnerships between ARES, CERT, Red Cross and other auxiliary communications groups.
Mash Up Held at Dairy Creek Park next to LUT We will take our ARES radios & antennas and set up – mostly a cold start What won’t be cold is info – make sure we have frequencies on hand, & radios programmed.
Wash Co Mash Up Location Dairy Creek Park
Ernie K7EAJ
Debbie WN6ZAP
Jerry K7JPF - Rob
Rob Learning Winlink
Paul KD7ISA – Net Control
Jerry NC & Rob on 20m
What is a ICS205
Lynn KE7WKN EC & Scott Porter Washington County EM
How many antennas did we have at WC7EOC Mash Up?
Drained… even the coffee
Nine – I think? 5 2m/ m 1 40m 1 20m 1 6m
Stats WC7EOC 24 attendees 10 Winlink messages 2 DSTAR messages Stations WC7EOC(24) – KF7TTT(2) - KD7RFI – KD7RFG(5) – KF7UAR(2) – KD7RFN(2) Total = 35 participants
Oregon Int’l Air Show Sept 19 th – 21 st Have had contact with Cathy - Hillsboro Volunteer Coordinator KE7WKM will be out of town
Harvest Century Needs Your Help! The 2014 Harvest Century is seeking volunteers for SAG support. This bicycle ride is scheduled for Sunday, September 28th, and raises money for Community Vision, a local non-profit dedicated to helping developmentally disabled adults in the Portland area. You must have a truck, van, or SUV with bike rack, and room for 2-3 riders in your vehicle. With three courses spanning over a hundred miles, and 1500 riders, this will be a busy day for all involved. The course tours Washington County, with brief excursions into Yamhill County and Clackamas County. Volunteers will be reimbursed for mileage and lunch is provided. The event is expected to run from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., but final scheduling has not been completed, flexibility is appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Anthony Mayernik at or
Cooper Mountain
Task List 1 - RADO John Bucsek KE7WNB Sam Corbin KF7BUC John Core KX7YT Pat Flanagan KE7NVB Anthony Mayernic K7AKM Kent Powloski N7KPN Pat Roberson W7PAT Richard Stack K7TKK Steve Taylor N7BEF Bob Yolton W7ZXX
Fridays for
Clear 0n Your Final What Did I Miss