1 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics The Real Internet Action Is Local headline from The New York Times, Sept. 14, 1998
2 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics The Greatest Communication Medium of All Time Web Access million Americans are online today. That’s 39% of all Americans over the age of 2. Neilsen NetRatings, Inc., 1999
3 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Web Access Lexington Metropolitan Area Adults With Web Access Source: Customer Study, Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo, 1994, 1996, 1998.
4 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics è 46% of users had college degree in 1996, 36% in 1999 è 60% of HH reported incomes of $50K+ in 1996, 55% in è 40% of newcomers never attended college, 23% have incomes below $30K è 52% of newcomers are women Web Usage-It’s not just for “techies” anymore Intelliquest/Pew Research Center for the People & the Press
5 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors Users’ Origin Relative to Kentucky 72% of visitors from within Kentucky Avg. weekly visitors = 135,000 43,200 local + 54,000 state = 97,200 in state weekly
6 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors Users’ Place of Access
7 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors Dahlin & Associates, 1999 Editor & Publisher Survey Average Age = 42 years old
8 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Average Annual Income = $56,988 Online Adult Demographics Dahlin & Associates, 1999 Editor & Publisher Survey Kentucky Connect Visitors
9 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Average User visits 20.8 times per month Kentucky Connect Visitors Dahlin & Associates, 1999 Editor & Publisher Survey 79% of users have bookmarked Kentuckyconnect.com
10 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Amount of Time Spent Weekly Kentucky Connect Visitors Dahlin & Associates, 1999 Editor & Publisher Survey Users spend 3 hrs. per week on Kentucky Connect. This is nearly twice the national newspaper web site average. Users spend 16 hrs. on average on the Internet; allocating 18% of their web time to Kentucky Connect
11 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics On line Information Sought Past 4 Weeks Source: 1999 Lexington Internet Survey, MC Squared Consulting Kentucky Connect Visitors
12 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors On line Information Sought Past 4 Weeks Source: 1999 Lexington Internet Survey, MC Squared Consulting
13 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors How Users Have Changed Media Habits
14 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors How Users Have Changed Media Habits
15 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors How Users Have Changed Media Habits
16 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky Connect Visitors How Users Have Changed Media Habits
17 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics On-line advertising has value for building awareness and brand positioning as well. AOL.com study: TV recall, 1 viewing: 41% Banner ad, 1 viewing: 40%* Impacts TV shopping, direct mail purchases and store traffic. ** Advertising Effectiveness *Ipsos-ASI, AOL Study/**Cyber Dialogue
18 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics On Line Shopping &/or Purchasing Habits of Kentucky Connect Users
19 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Online Purchases Kentucky Connect Users-Online Purchases
20 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Online Purchases Kentucky Connect Users-Online Purchases
21 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopping/Purchasing Online Kentucky Connect Users
22 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopped &/or Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Financial Services
23 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopped &/or Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Consumer Electronics
24 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopped &/or Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Consumer Electronics
25 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopped &/or Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Computer Hardware
26 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopped &/or Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Computer Software
27 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Shopped &/or Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Consumer Goods
28 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Purchased Online Kentucky Connect Users-Number of Online Purchases Past 12 months Average KentuckyConnect User purchased 5.3 times spending $270 over the past 12 months.
29 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Advertising Placements
30 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Category Banners on Kentucky.com Target your message on kentucky.com, the new portal site launched October’99.
31 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Target by category on kentucky.com. Category Banners on Kentucky.com 120 x 60 buttons on Kentucky.com
32 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Target by Content Area on Kentucky Connect KYFootball.com KYHoops.com KYBlades.com KYHoofs.com BillyReed.com Afternoon Update Health* Travel* *coming soon
33 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Herald-Leader Online Section Banners The Herald Leader online can be targeted by content area, just like the newspaper.
34 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics 468 x 60 banner 120 x 60 buttons 88 x 31 buttons Text links Marketplace Home Page
35 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics 94% of all Web shopping comes at the expense of offline retailers.* * - Jupiter Communications, a New York Internet Research Company
36 KentuckyConnect.com Visitor Statistics Kentucky.com can partner with you and your clients to market their online business. We offer sponsorships, banner campaigns, text links, and online promotions. Our sites include: Kentucky.com - the new Kentucky Portal KentuckyConnect.com - original Internet news and sports content Herald-Leader online - news content updated daily JustGoKentucky - Statewide entertainment guide Plus an assortment of classified sites, including Cars.com, Careerpath.com, Homehunter.com, Apartments.com and coming soon NewHomeNetwork.com and Auctions.com