3000 Records is an independent record company that offers Free Music to Fans, Music & Radio Promotion for Musicians and Bands, Plus cool Opportunities for other Music Promoters.
Introduction Artists & Bands Music Promotion Services Radio Promotion
Introduction Country Buck (Terrance D. Schemansky) started "3000 Records" (record company) back in At that time he was busy singing in a college rock band, and also a student at Western Michigan University. The record label is not simply about big money, or exclusive contracts. This doesn't mean that the label is against these things. Money is nice, and sometimes exclusive contracts are necessary. Mostly, we help Bands and Solo Artists gain recognition they deserve through our promotional services.
We currently offer two music promotion services called "Indie 360" and "CD Register". With these services, we give Bands and Solo Artists exposure to the masses. This is done by building connections with music industry contacts and offering this label as a service for musicians and by musicians. We believe in dreams becoming reality, and making that happen with hard work and dedication. The first Co-Op CD was put together in Kalamazoo, MI with flyers and word of mouth. Terrance says, "Actually, after losing a promised spot on a compilation (Co-Op), I decided to start up my own." The first Co- Op was a real struggle, and he says it's still not easy, but it is still rewarding. Here it is 10 years later, and Bands and Solo Artists from around the world are gaining recognition with 3000 Records.
Back in 1996 Terrance D. Schemansky (a.k.a. Terrance Day) started 3000 Records as a student at Western Michigan University. Since then, he finished college, got a few corporate jobs, and eventually ended up working in the industry he enjoys the most, the music industry! Terrance is a hard working Musician. With his debut full length CD "A Simple Life", and touring, he has established his own music career. At the same time, he helps other Musicians through the many connections he has made since starting his label "3000 Records" more than 10 years ago.
Terrance Singer And Songwriter Country Buck spent 10 days writing 10 songs. Those songs were to become his CD release "A Simple Life". This effort released on his own record label "3000 Records" is fully produced with a full band.The CD features other talented Artists on drums, bass, lead guitars, and backing vocals. This recent recording effort is truly the mark of a long and positive music career. However, this does not mark the beginning. Since 2002, Country Buck has played over 600 shows, and doesn 抰 have plans to slow down anytime soon. He has toured the country driving a 1973 Plymouth Fury Station Wagon nick named the "Superwagon".
Success does not come without opposition. It shapes your behavior, your character and most importantly your morals and values. Gran Centennial has had his share of opposition in his life, but he never quit living life. His faith in God, his family and his self have propelled him through great obstacles to put him at his current position in life. While serving a sentence in prison he realized that he was his only enemy. Rappin is his gift and he has used it to open the world’s ear to his sound. His songs are about real issues that people of all walks of life can relate to. Rap Artist have been rhyming about hustling, living in the ghetto and the perils of street life since the dawn of hip-hop. What make Gran different is his unique approach to tackling these subjects on his highly anticipated debut album, “You don't want it”.
G.C raps about his days hustling on the crime-ridden street corners of his native North Philly, but does not preach at his listeners while lecturing them to live righteously. Instead, his lyrics are laced with ghetto-weary “been there, done that” sentiment that implies there is life beyond the block. For now Gran Centennial a.k.a G.C, is on a mission and anyone who feels that mission is not important think again. He is determined to be heard, and he will be heard Go to his website
3000 Records has been dedicated to helping Musicians since We have gained the trust of hundreds of musicians and bands, and successfully organized Co-Op (compilation) CD projects promoting great music throughout the US and Internationally. As our company continues to grow in 2008, we will reach more Music Industry than ever before. We promote independent music throughout the world including USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and more.. USA Music Promotion International Music Promotion Street Team Promotion Music Promotion To Radio And Music Industry
International Music Promotion We promote music fans in Canada, Europe, and Australia through the cross promotion of our Co-Op (Compilation) CD "Radio Now!" (All international participants get 20 copies of the CD and 250 Digital Download Cards featuring your music) between all participating International musicians and bands. Includes promotion to international (Europe, Australia, Canada) radio stations, and music retail stores.
USA Music Promotion We promote music to fans in the USA through the cross- promotion of our Co-Op (Compilation) CD "Radio Now!" (All USA participants get 20 copies of the CD and 250 Digital Download Cards featuring your music) between all participating USA musicians. Includes promotion to USA radio stations, and music retail stores. Ohers: Music Retail Stores Reach new listeners through placement of the "Radio Now!" Co-Op (Compilation) CD and Digital Download Cards featuring your music on US and International record store counter tops where the music will be given away free for promotion.
Music Promotion To Radio And Music Industry We put your music on a CD and then send the CD to radio DJs and music industry! When the Co-Op (Compilation) CD "Radio Now!" featuring your music is mailed out to interested radio stations from around the world. We also include a brief description about your music on the "Band / Artist Description Sheet". Get your music sent to radio DJs, magazine Writers, film & T.V. producers, and A&R staff from record companies. As a participating musician or band, you will also get access to order mailing labels containing our complete list of radio stations, and music industry contacts.
Reach new listeners and fans when your music is promoted on "Radio Now!" Co-Op (Compilation) CD and Digital Download Cards by our Street Team at USA music related events (ex: music festivals, conferences, music venues..) You will instantly get the complete information plus an opportunity to reserve your space on our next "Radio Now!" project. You will have an exclusive opportunity to reach our big network of radio + music industry contacts plus 1000's of new listeners. Street Team Promotion
THIS IS WHAT WE DO.. Music Promotion! We provide an inexpensive way to market your product or service! We send your ad to Independent Musicians and Bands around the world and people in the the Music Industry,and alsoprovide a direct radio promotion service to make your music available to radio station DJs (community radio, college radio, internet radio, satellite radio, etc..) and Writers (magazines, zines, ezines, webzines, newspapers, etc..) Film & T.V. Production Companies, and Record Companies from around the world. Most locations are in the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia. When requests for your CD are sent to you from our music industry contacts, you'll get the address where to send your CD. You are provided with direct responses from each contact. Promotion continues for approximately 90 days!
As our company continues to grow in 2008, we will reach more Music Industry than ever before, We provide a solution for getting your music out there, to people in the music industry who genuinely want your CD. Many Bands & Artists send their CD to stations, record companies, etc... who never asked for it. This can be a waste of time, money, and energy for everybody. On the other hand.. The FREE Music Report is sent to the DJs, A & R people, and other music biz contacts, and allows them to select only the CDs they want. Each month they get a fresh selection of the newest music available to them.