Making research legal.
What is citing? Citing a source is when you give credit to the places where you got your information. Why cite sources? Using a source without citing it correctly is called plagiarism, and can lead to disciplinary action.
What needs to be cited? Anything that is not your original thought. Ideas and quotes from other places need citations. There are specific formats to cite: Websites Books Magazine articles News papers Encyclopedias Films Photographs
The two common citation styles are MLA (Modern Language Association) APA (American Psychological Association) Your teacher will tell you which one you are expected to use. I will teach you both.
APA style citations A Book: Last Name, F. (Year Published). Book Title. Publisher City: Publisher Name. Ex. Brown, D. (2004). The DaVinci code. New York: Scholastic. A Website: Last Name, First. “Page Title.” Website Title. Retrieved (date), from (web address) Ex. Smith, J. (2009, January). Obama inaugurated as President. Retrieved February 1, 2009, from
MLA style citations A Book: Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Publisher City: Publisher Name, Year Published. Medium. Ex. Smith, John. The Sample Book. Pittsburgh: BibMe, Print. A Website: Last Name, First Name. "Page Title." Website title. Sponsoring Institution/Publisher, Publication Date. Medium. Date Accessed. Ex. Smith, John. "Obama inaugurated as President." Cable News Network, 21 Jan Web. 1 Feb
How do I cite other media? A full citation guide for both styles WITH EXAMPLES is available at
TASK There are 6 books on each table. Please write citations for each book. Even numbered tables use MLA Odd numbered tables use APA
H.W. Keep working on your biography project