Drug Investigation Assignment
Depressant that acts on CNS Naturally found in CNS › Protects cells from oxygen starvation Odorless Colorless Nearly Tasteless Can be liquid, pill, or powder Can be felt within the first min
FDA Banned GHB GHB makers came out with GBL Used as sleep aid & muscle enhancer Street Names: firewater, lactone, blue nitro, vitality FDA banned GBL too
January 31, 2000 Controlled Substance Schedule 1 FDA approved Schedule 4
First synthesized 1960s- Used as anesthetic & hypnotic 1980s- Becomes available in food stores FDA bans over-the counter- Sale U.S. states place GHB in schedules 1-5 Becomes illegal, FDA approves Xyrem for narcolepsy
Anesthetic Hypnotic Clinical Depression Alcoholism Narcolepsy/insomnia
Low Dose-Moderate › Increased sex drive › Dizziness › Slow heart rate › Muscle tremors High Dose: › Sweating › Blackouts/memory lapses › Respiratory arrest › Loss of coordination Overdose: › Nausea/vomiting › Seizures › Amnesia › Irregular/shallow breathing
Feelings of Euphoria Confusion Hallucinations Lowered Inhibitions
GHB DoseCommon Effects 1 gram or less Relaxation similar to alcohol intoxication 1 to 2 grams Euphoria, reduced inhibitions, enhanced sensuality and sexuality, increased sensory stimulation 2 to 4 grams Speech and motor skill interference 4 or more Agitation, combativeness, confusion, loss of coordination, seizure-like posturing of the limbs, respiratory depression, urinary and fecal incontinence, vomiting, wavering states of consciousness, overdose death
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