EXTERNAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Higher Specialty Training KSS School of Medicine Induction 3 rd November 2015 Lucia Macken KSS Gastroenterology trainee rep Hepatology Clinical Research Fellow BSMS/RSCH
Welcome KSS large geographical area Growing trainee numbers after split from London Website ARCP Annual Review of Competence Progression Interim reviews, curriculum, assessments, courses, teaching etc.
Mandatory events Mandatory teaching/learning events GIM (general internal medicine) training days Fewer number throughout year therefore very important to attend Must attend 100 hrs GIM teaching before CCT Could supplement with external training Specialty training days Will be advertised by deanery and trainee reps Also important to attend!
Deanery Mandatory training days Other training opportunities advertised through deanery communication Keep up to date with s etc!
Other external opportunities Societies BSG, BTS, SAM, BSR…etc. Conferences Education opportunities advertised through societies RCP Journal Teach-ins Lectures Conferences CPD diary See RCP website
Other external opportunities BMJ Online learning modules RSM (Royal Society of Medicine) See website for details of courses etc. Talk to other senior trainees for advice!
Gastroenterology specific JAG courses Diagnostic OGD and colonoscopy Regional interest meetings IBD and liver interest meetings BSG conference EASL (liver), ECCO (IBD)
OOP (Out of Programme) opportunities Various throughout KSS in different specialties OOPR – research OOPE – experience OOPT – training Must discuss with TPDs at interim ARCP to allow workforce planning
OOP (Out of Programme) opportunities RCP education fellowship Gastroenterology Currently trainees on OOP OOPR – hepatology clinical research fellows in KSS OOPR – links with London tertiary centres, trainees Tommies, Kings OOPT – endoscopy fellowship at St Marks possible development in KSS region
OOP (Out of Programme) opportunities Stroke medicine 2 year training single year within parent speciality focussing on stoke additional speciality post (OOPT) - prolongs training by 1 year when taken with Geriatrics or Acute Medicine Opportunity to spend time off the general medical rota allowing adequate time to focus on completing speciality training needs Current stroke posts within KSS The Royal Sussex Hospital in Brighton overseen by Dr Ingrid Kane The Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford overseen by Dr Kath Pasco (TPD) Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey overseen by Dr Tilly Spiers William Harvey Hospital in Ashford in Kent overseen by Dr David Hargroves
Specialty Certificate Examination Acute medicine Dermatology Endocrinology and diabetes Gastroenterology Geriatric medicine Infectious diseases Medical oncology Nephrology Neurology Palliative medicine Respiratory medicine Rheumatology
SCE Usually consider from ST4 and above - each specialty different - check JRCPTB Information on MRCPUK website Curriculum - eportfolio/JRCPTB Guidelines Specialty societies Conferences Journals Websites
ARCP JRCPTB website for ARCP decision aids Assessments Curriculum coverage - GIM and specialty Teaching Management and leadership Audit - GIM and specialty ARCP assessments include attendance at GIM and specialty training days
Eportfolio Ensure updating throughout year, do not leave assessments until month before ARCP! Self MSF MSF WBAs (workplace based assessments) Self assessment and supervisor assessment on curriculum pages Audit Teaching Reflective practice Look at ARCP decision guidance on JRCPTB website
Good Luck!! Questions/concerns/advice get in touch with your trainee reps