Introduction to Research & Enterprise Funding at KLS : Funding and support for Innovation and Enterprise Beth Flowers / Jenny Harmer, Kent Innovation and Enterprise 9 th October 2013
How we work with academics … Networking… events Build academic and business collaboration… ‘show ‘n’ tell’ Apply for funding… identify, draft support, costs, IP Specific collaborative schemes KTP (counts for REF) Assist businesses access University facilities… technical support, results Support for Consultancy / Training (CPD) projects Student placement / internships / project contracts DEMONSTRATE IMPACT
Operational Team FundingContracts & Costing Post-award finance Funding application support up to submission including costing Costing (consultancy, facilities, Training) and contract support Invoicing and monitoring finance post award.
Some funding mechanisms EU Funding streams - Horizon2020, Tenders and Procurements, Infrastructure funds (ESF, ERDF) The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) Research Council knowledge exchange ( ESRC, AHRC Follow on Funds and Knowledge Exchange) Charity funding, and Tenders Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (also TSB)
Talk to us: Kaye Heyes - Faculty Liaison Officer Beth Flowers - Funding and tenders Jenny Harmer - EU Funding and tenders Lucy Druesne - Contracts & IP Kate Farrow - Contracts Emma Quilter - Post Award queries