Knowledge Management at Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
OUTLINE 1 Company Background 2 Knowledge Management 3 Question
Company Background
Core business areas of CGE&Y Strategy Consulting CGE&Y Business Solution and Systems Transformation Information Systems Management – via outsourcing contracts
Knowledge Management
Ernst & Young
Organizational Structure CBI CBT Center for Business Innovation Center for Business Transformation Ernst & Young KM Organizational Structure Description of the contents CTE CBK Center for Technology Enablement Center for Business Knowledge
CBI(Center for Business Innovation) Lead the research & development of new innovative solutions related to business process, strategies, people and technology Provide a valuable future vision that made designing and implementing clients’ strategies easier. The results diffused to all E&Y professionals, clients and other audiences, through articles, books and conferences.
CBT(Center for Business Transformation) Structure knowledge into methodologies, techniques and automated tools that improved the speed and value of the services that consultants provided Virtual organization: 100 people from different parts of the world Concentrate on Reengineering processes, Knowledge Management, Information technologies, Organizational changes
CTE(Center for Technology Enablement) Technological division backed up and complemented the consultancy practice Comprised a wide variety of services ranging from technology architecture to networking and technology management
CBK(Center for Business Knowledge) Knowledge Managers(KM): the number of knowledge managers in these local CBK teams varied from one country to another.Actually managed, revised and maintained knowledge to satisfy the consultant’s local needs. Centralized CBK: which was responsible for filtering documents and making them available for everyone in the organization *Knowledge navigation *Business research & Analysis *KM systems Adaptation & Deployment
Cap Gemini
Knowledge Galaxy 1 Knowledge Areas 6 Market 2 Service Offerings 7 Corporative 3 Human Resources 8 Methodology 4 communication 9 Project’s Experiences 5 Collaboration 10 Local Intranets
CGE&Y Structures CGE&Y’s Adjustment Knowledge Infrastructure CG跟EY在公司架構上是差不多的,可能就是一些命名方式不一樣。這兩家公司最大的不同,是在他們組織KM的方式! CG-中央集權 EY-較不中央集權 Adjusting the knowledge infrastructure was another of the big issues CGE&Y was concerned about. Their wish was to completely integrate people, resources and capabilities, and, to the greatest extent possible, to do it in a friendly manner involving everyone. However, choosing one technological system meant excluding the other, and this went against the peaceful merger spirit. It was therefore decided, at least in a first stage, to focus on a front-end integrated access to the knowledge infrastructure, through accessing E&Y's KWeb and CG's Knowledge Galaxy. The outcome was the Knowledge Portal (KPortal), based on CG's architecture, which in fact was a newer version of My Galaxy, including specific links to the K-Web (Exhibit 11). Employees still used the system they were most familiar with, although access to each system had been generalized for everyone in the organization (Exhibit 9a). The same applied to the contribution processes. Each employee followed and used the one they had before the merger; that is, My Galaxy for ex-CG employees and the KWeb for ex-E&Y employees (see Figure 1). After the merger, there was a larger amount of information available. However, as each professional followed a different process according to the departure point, information was not standardized for the whole organization. The first consequence was a drop in the contribution rates, especially noticeable in the E&Y part of the merged business. CGE&Y希望以和平友善、利用最大化資源的方式,去整合目前的KM系統。 因此目前的做法是在第一階段,My Galaxy 2.0的部分,整合兩個系統的前端入口,不過員工仍可使用自己熟悉的KM平台去做事,也就CG使用銀河,E&Y使用Kweb,並不強制改變。 最終希望可以到K-Portal,也就是包含Kweb特定內容連結的My Galaxy!員工仍可使用自己熟悉的KM平台去做事,也就CG使用銀河,E&Y使用Kweb
Question 1 What problems do you anticipate in implementation of the KM strategy in two companies with different cultural backgrounds ,especially in CG? E&Y的KM是中央決定 CG很少共同依據 E&Y是中央集權(CBK),在做KM時是統一將所有資訊交至CBK,在由CBK負責提供知識導航、業務研究與分析還有知識管理系統的適應和部署,所以E&Y在KM系統上標準化的程度較高,能做出一至性較高的KM準則。 CY則是地方分權(因為CY是一直是靠合併其他公司來壯大),CG在巴黎的高層認為KM的第一步要在公司內設計Learning program與一個技術平台,然而他們並沒有去明確制定具體化KM活動的角色與程序(包含:管理.研究.分析)(所以有可能是組織太過於分散導致無法明確定義KM所該扮演的角色) 所以在兩間文化背景完全不同的公司合併之下的KM有可能發生問題的會是在CG,因為E&Y有CBK所以在知識管理上有較高的一致性,而CG卻無法明確定義KM所要扮演的角色與程序,E&Y可能問題則是KM是由CBK作統一處理,可能造成與地方公司沒有討論的空間,完全照標準程序走,彈性不足,但綜合來看還是CGF的KM系統問題會大一些。
Question 2 What would you say is the value proposition of the entity resulting from the merger? What role does it give to knowledge , learning and KM? 1 合併後,你覺得有什麼有價值的主張在合併後? 我認為在合併前: CG雖然自己有開發了Galaxy,但沒有明確的自訂具體化KM活動的程序,相較於E&Y的KM就沒有訂定的這麼完善。因E&Y當中的KM,主要是以CBK/Kweb的方式來主導,在知識整合上來說用得非常好。 合併後: CGE&Y整合兩個系統前端入口,發展出了My Galaxy 2.0,進而在加以改進到達K-Portal (My Galaxy3.0),使顧問師與組織之間有緊密得連結。 2 在學習和知識管理上扮演什麼樣的作用? 我們這組認為K-Portal 建構在兩個平台中(My Galaxy 3.0、Kweb),不僅能相互傳遞訊息與資訊,更將Team work的理念充分加以擴大發揮,進而在組織文化達到King of teamwork之境界。
Question 3 What ’’key’’ success factors do you identify in the EY KM strategy? How would you ’’export’’ them to CG? What “key” success factors do you identify in the EY KM strategy ? How would you “export” them to CG? 你覺得什麼關鍵是讓EY KM成功的因素 ? 並且有什麼優點可以讓CG當作一個好的參考? E&Y的成功關鍵是在於,建立管理諮詢資訊中心,將過去分散在各部門單位儲存建檔的資訊與知識收集起來扮演著中央大圖書館的角色,將之是來自顧客的需求而出現在系統中,從而促進相關領域的專業顧問進一步的學習,再透過知識網介面(K WEB) 讓諮詢從業人員更輕易的將知識從中央諮詢資訊中心取得。 在CG知識管理整合就較E&Y分散 而且比較沒有一個普遍的機制來確保所更新的資料的品質如何,使得資料變得雜亂不堪,如將E&Y的中央諮詢資訊中心策略導入CG這家公司 並且配合GALAXY 將結構化的的知識分門別類雖然成本上會增加不少,但相對的所帶來的服務及品質收益也會很可觀。
Question 4 What advice would you give on the CBK if you were Alberto Almansa? Would you renew the contract or would you do without it? 1What advice would give on the CBK if you were Alberto Almansa 如果你是 Alberto Almansa 你會給cbk 什麼意見 目前CBK的組織架構是根據不同的地理位置(區域)會有一個知識管理團隊的管理者而且每個管理者底下都帶著一個數量龐大的知識管理團隊,而那些管理團隊不僅管理諮詢的知識管理系統而且還有E&Y的系統,因此在KM系統的維持和人員的僱用都需要非常大的成本,光CBK這個單位就佔了KM預算的35%。 所以我們這組的建議是把所有的資料庫統一化讓所有的員工都能貢獻他們所知道的知識並利用關鍵字的搜尋和分類讓需要該知識的專家或員工能順利的找到他們所想要的知識,這樣CBK所需要的組織架構就不需要如此龐大,也能縮減掉一些成本。 2Would you renew the contract or would you do without it 你會繼續合約或者你可以不需要cbk系統 我們這組討論的結果是需要繼續CBK的運作,因為從CBK系統或取的知識是經過整理過的所以使用者可以很輕易的得到他們想要用的知識,不過對於CBK的組織架構可以在精簡一些來降低成本。
Thank You!