THE MODERN AGE ( ) Disillusion, Defiance, and Discontent
COMPLETE THE OPTIC FOR DROUGHT STRICKEN AREA : O = Overview: What is happening in the picture? P = Parts of the picture: Break the picture down into sections. Name everything that you see. Describe color, lighting, and movement in the picture. T = Title: What does the title tell you about the picture? How much does it add to what you understand or do not understand about the picture? Explain your answers. I = Interrelationships: Analyze the relationships in the picture. How do objects or people or colors relate to each other in the picture? What clues to the message or argument are these relationships giving you? What seems to be the most important “relationship” in the picture? C = Conclusion: Draw a conclusion to the meaning or message of the picture based on what you have viewed and discussed as a group. Essentially, what is the argument the artist is trying to convey?
THE 20 TH CENTURY During this period, America fought in two world wars, struggled through the Depression, and emerged as a dominant power. Many of the monumental figures of American literature, including F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, and Ernest Hemingway, rose to prominence during this period. Simultaneously, the movie industry grew from an experiment into a commercial powerhouse.
WAR AND ITS AFTERMATH After the shock of WWI, Americans left behind many of the optimistic attitudes of the prewar world. One of the bloodiest and most tragic conflicts ever to occur. (8.7 million people died) President Woodrow Wilson tried to remain neutral, but that proved impossible. The horrors of combat were unspeakable, intensified by new technology put to wartime use. During the Roaring Twenties: The economy boomed Skyscrapers rose Prohibition led to bootlegging and organized crime Popular entertainment included movies, radio, dancing, & jazz music.