Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory ESCC Ohio State University July 21–22, 2004 Wireless and Post OA Security Review Mike Memory
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Outline Administrative Issues Purchasing Policy Credit Cards ADP Approval Documentation Policy Procedure Configuration Management
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Outline Cont. Technical Issues Wireless Issues with Technology Lab daily users Lab Guest Flat Network Security Model Enclaves Access control
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Administrative Issues Purchasing What purchases are for network capable items? ADP approval required for a gas analyzer, key lock box, etc.? Need better control from procurement regarding credit cards and requisitions Once purchased, how do we deal with it Documentation User awareness of Policies and CSPP Risk assessments Procedures regarding testing and deployment of new technology Configuration Management for hosts, network devices, etc.
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Technical Issues - Wireless WEP was not in use on our Guest/Conference Wireless Needed WEP and a Firewall (or ACL in router) at minimum Limit access to the site and to the Internet WEP was in use on the JLab user wireless network But that is not enough Suggested VPN, IPSec, Firewall Need to treat WEP keys like user passwords Storing, Changing, Distributing issues Need detection for rouge access points Other suggestions x, i, etc.
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Technical Issues - Network Problem Flat Network Security Model Users can access most (not all) networks freely Resolution Segmentation of network Enclaves need to be created based on: security requirements, work group, functionality Greater access controls between enclaves with ACL’s Access to DAQ systems from desktop? No.
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Fixing The Issues Most issues we knew about and had plan for Tough to implement with limited resources Our timelines for implementation were seen as taking to long Developed 5 Teams – Driven by our CIO Network Security Team Wireless Security Team X11 Host Configuration and Management Authentication and Authorization
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory What we have done since OA Determined Risk Assessment for all issues via teams Tightened down our conference network Done - WEP and ACL now limiting access Deploying more VLANs as we categorize users and services for enclave assignment Evaluating other wireless solutions for new technologies Policies for purchasing changes well underway Working hard to get more human resources
Operated by the Southeastern Universities Research Association for the U.S. Depart. Of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Mike Memory Conclusion The OA review was educational Lots of work has already occurred Lots of work still to do in all areas of computing Collaboration with other Labs a must to help us “NOT” re- invent the wheel