Chapter Three Education in the USA
Educational Philosophies Elementary and Secondary Education Higher Education The Ivy League
General Purposes of Education Education is the engine that drives the American dream of success. Education provides the opportunity to learn knowledge and gain skills that pay off in upward mobility
The changing Perceptions The Puritan time Thomas Jefferson Washington and the Congress Horance Mann George S. Counts American belief
Universality Decentralization Professionalism Comprehensiveness Features
Structure pre-school Education: nursery school kindergarten Elementary Education: grade 1 — 6 / 8 At the age of 6
Secondary Education (4-year high school): grade 9 — 12 or grade 7-9: Junior grade 10-12: Senior Higher Education
Teacher have little say in the bureaucratic, centralized school organization Problems and Issues Teachers ’ union, which have legitimate roles to play, have experienced difficulties since the 1980s. The conflict exists between elite private schools and American ideal of equality.
Students ’ high school records Recommendations from their high school teachers Impression they make during interviews at the university Scores on SATs Factors governing success for applying to a college
Four Types of Higher Education Institutions
Providing professional and transfer programs. Professional courses lasting for one to two years train students as technicians and semi-professionals for the business and industrial sectors as well as the government departments. The transfer programs are for students who wish to transfer to the third year of a four year course.
What factors do American students consider in choosing university? The fame The curriculum Future career Public or private tuition
Columbia University School of General Studies $ 29,057 Sarah Lawrence College $ 26,668 Brown University $ 26,374 Brandeis University $ 26,241 Wesleyan University $ 26,180 Hampshire College $ 26,125 Hamilton College $ 26,100 Amherst College $ 26,080 Kenyon College $ 26,080 Massachusetts Institute of Technology $ 26,050 Most Expensive 4-year Private Colleges
Questions What happened to the veterans after the W.W. II in their education? How does a university student get his credits? What are the sources of income of American universities? What is the primary source of students aid?
The Ivy League is the name generally referred to the original eight universities in the northeast of the United States. They are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth University, Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University and Yale University.