Agincourt C.I. You are here Agincourt C.I. is out of this world!!! LEGO Man says
ABOUT OUR SCHOOL 1350 students ranging from age 13 to 20 Essential level to University level courses Auto to Vectors, Outdoor Education to Earth and Space French Program: Extended and Immersion Music Program: Recognized for its excellence at the Provincial and National level Enrichment opportunities in Mathematics and Science for Grade 9 and 10 Advanced Placement in Mathematics, Science, Psychology and French in Grade 11 and 12 Full range of electives in Social Sciences, Art, Business, Family Studies, Technology Communications and partnership with parents are key success factor
ACADEMIC HIGHLIGHTS GRADE 9 & GRADE 10 Our Grade 9 students are successful 2 weeks transition program for incoming Grade 9 students in Literacy and Numeracy One of the highest credit accumulation in the TDSB. 88% of our Grade 9 are successful at getting 8 or more credits Agincourt students outperform TDSB and provincial results in Numeracy and Literacy
Grade 9 Applied Math Grade 9 Academic Math TDSB PROV ACI Grade 9 Mathematics Results (level 3 or above) TDSB PROV ACI 34% 48% 85% 94% 82% 47%
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (level 3 or above) 93% 82% ACI TDSB ONT OSSLT PASS RATE 2015
LEADERSHIP PATHWAY Over 130 students are provided leadership experience at Youth Leadership Camp Music Performance Retreat with feeder schools at Jackson Point for over 450 students Senior student mentors to support Grade 9 and 10 students Academic Leadership Courses Adaptive Physical Ed. supporting Osler students Set high expectation for school climate The Agincourt way
Student Leadership Course Caring Adults Student mentor program PLC and initiatives for credit completion Team Building Camaraderie Confidence Building Relationship and trust EVERY TEACHER IS A STUDENT SUCCESS TEACHER PETERBOROUGH – 2015 Leadership Camp YLCC (Youth Leadership Camps Canada) Student Success Initiatives
AGINCOURT MUSIC RETREAT Performance focused Professional guest conductors Leadership development Transition for new students Excellence in competition with 16 performance ensembles and opportunities to earn additional music credits Agincourt C.I. and feeder school joint venture
ATHLETICS AT AGINCOURT Fall Sports Cross Country Jr. Girls Basketball Sr. Girls Basketball Girls A Field Hockey Girls B Field Hockey Football Lacrosse Girls Rugby Jr. Boys Volleyball Sr. Boys Volleyball Cheerleading Spring Sports Jr Boy Soccer Sr Boys Soccer Girls Soccer Boys Rugby Girls Rugby Girls Flag Football Track and Field Girls Softball Coed Volleyball Ultimate Frisbee Boy’s Cricket ACI FITNESS CENTRE Winter Sports Jr Girls Volleyball Sr Girls Volleyball Jr Boys Basketball Sr Boys Basketball Swimming Curling Hockey Club Jr Indoor Soccer Sr Indoor Soccer
COMMUNITY STUDENT GROUPS AND COUNCILS COMMUNITY: yearbook, library, Lancer Press, Me to We, Environment STUDENTS: mentors, prefects, LBGT, Wellness SAC, Music, Art, Athletics, Computers, Business, Drama Councils and much more
Roy Thompson Hall Provincials Massey Hall Nationals Diversity in Student Programs: Music
Diversity in Student Programs Performing Arts Visual Arts
Business Leadership Luncheon Grade 12 Leadership students organize & host a luncheon for VIP guests within the community Students use their management skills to run their event. Technology Competition Vex and FIRST Robotics Winner of the National Skills Competition at the Auto Show Family Studies Developing Life Skills Food and fashion
Specialist High Skills Major in Banking and Finance Financial Securities Course Partnership with RBC Co-op and employment opportunities Update infrastructure for the 21 st Century Learner Wi Fi access in classrooms and common areas Projectors, iPad, laptop carts, MIDI (music and tech) Lab PATHWAYS AND SPECIALIZATION
OUR GRADUATES Over 90% of our graduates apply for University or College 85% of our University applicants are accepted
WELCOME TO AGINCOURT Caring Safe Respectful High Achieving Pleasure to be of service