Program Indicators Psychology
Psychology FYE PSY University Totals
BSU Psychology: MnSCU Cost Study Fiscal YearLevel FYECost/ FYEMnSCU Ave cost/FYE % of MnSCU 2013Lower202.2$1,714$2, % Upper93.3$4,942$3, % Graduate22.5$8,933$3, % 2014Lower167.8$1,656$2, % Upper91.8$4,152$3, % Graduate16.8$6,574$4, % 2015Lower115.2$1,620$2, % Upper122.5$4,161$4, % Graduate8.0$4,123$5, %
Average Section Size for Upper Division Change in graduate program has opened up faculty load for upper division courses. In spite of lower numbers, our cost continues to decline and is very low.
Majors graduated We don’t have an explanation for this decrease.
6 year graduation rate 72.84% Program Assessment status 10/10 Program Job Outlook N.A. BA/BS cannot be Psychologists but the data book looks at psychologists as the job category.
Currently the department has begun to collect data from our graduates in order to provide our own placement information. It should be noted that individuals with a BA/BS in psychology are not qualified to practice psychology. Their work placements, as is true for other liberally educated students, tend to require critical thinking, problem solving, literacy, and analysis. Any position utilizing those intellectual abilities is appropriately designated a placement related to their major. Additionally the current data includes a major we no longer provide.
Current Outlook Currently enrolled psychology majors Began semester with 195 Changed major during fall semester 8 New Online psychology majors 14 Spring enrolled psychology majors217 (and rising)
New information regarding long term employment outlook 2/0234.xml 2/0234.xml budget-proposal-part-5-health-and-human-services/#.VlHodb-aV1F budget-proposal-part-5-health-and-human-services/#.VlHodb-aV1F