Acquisitions, Everywhere Modeling an acquisitions data standard to connect a distributed environment Eric Hanson, North Carolina State University Libraries Paul Lightcap, Florida State University Libraries Matthew Miguez, Florida State University Libraries Charleston Conference,
Genesis of an acquisitions standard ▪Substantial work on standards development for: resource description e-resource management discovery …but where is acquisitions in the mix?* ▪Is acquisitions too complex? Too locally customized? Too ad hoc? * We’ll get to the NISO Cost of Resource Exchange (CORE) in just a moment! Solution: a lightweight standard composed of elements already in use in legacy acquisitions systems, modeled in multiple schema and systems
The legacy challenge, compounded ▪Expectation for legacy system migration: acquisitions data loss ▪New challenges: new systems and models (library services platforms) multiple systems and data maintenance (ILS, ERMS, DAMS) data-driven culture increasing scrutiny of expenditures, (esp. for public $) new content that just doesn’t fit within the ILS
A lightweight standard ▪Proposed: a core set of elements, already used within legacy systems to manage acquisitions Acquisitions Core ElementAuthority/SourceExample CustomerIDVIAF AccountNumber(vendor) VendorIDVIAF or NCSU ONLDhttp:// InvoiceID(vendor)001A InvoiceDateISO Invoiceline(vendor)001 OrderID(ILS/system or vendor) OrderFiscalCycleISO MaterialTypeIANA Media Typesapplication/http OrderType(ILS/system)One-time FundID(ILS/system)FAKABTL InvoiceFiscalCycleISO TotalPaidISO ListPriceISO CurrencyISO 4217USD Note: all examples are fabricated, excepting URIs; formatting adheres to indicated standard
A standard solution: solving problems ▪Solves problems of duplication in multiple systems and data drift ▪Allows for non-duplicative application of acquisitions data across all systems ▪Facilitates complex reporting within all of a library’s systems, as well as between multiple libraries (as within consortia) ▪Offers a tentative step forward to rethinking acquisitions workflows within a distributed environment
A standard solution to duplication and data drift SystemTitlePublisherVendorFundInvoice (year)TotalPaid ILSE-Journal AWiley-BlackwellWiley/BlackwellFAKEJTL ILSBook AWiley-BlackwellWiley/BlackwellFAKABTL ERMS E-Journal A(2) (title change) Wiley-Blackwell FAKEJTL Spreadsheet E-Journal A(3) (another title change) Wiley-BlackwellWileyFAKEJTL Note: all examples are fabricated Or, what if this (our current situation)…
SystemTitlePublisherVendorFundInvoice (year)TotalPaid ILSE-Journal AWiley-BlackwellWiley/BlackwellFAKEJTL ILSBook AWiley-BlackwellWiley/BlackwellFAKABTL ERMS E-Journal A(2) (title change) Wiley-Blackwell FAKEJTL Spreadsheet E-Journal A(3) (another title change) Wiley-BlackwellWileyFAKEJTL Note: all examples are fabricated …became this: A standard solution to duplication and data drift
SystemTitlePublisherVendorFundInvoice (year)TotalPaid ILSE-Journal AWiley-BlackwellWiley/BlackwellFAKEJTL ILSBook A FAKABTL ERMS E-Journal A2 (title change) FAKEJTL Spreadsheet E-Journal A3 (another title change) Wiley-BlackwellWileyFAKEJTL Note: all examples are fabricated, except URIs …or even this:
A standard solution for new content types
A standard solution for complex reporting SystemTitlePublisher*CustomerIDVendorIDFundIDInvoiceFiscalCycleTotalPaid ILSPrint Journal AWiley-Blackwell d/onld/ FAKEJTL ILSBook AWiley-Blackwell d/onld/ FAKABTL ERMSE-Journal AWiley-Blackwell d/onld/ FAKEJTL ILSPrint Journal AWiley-Blackwell d/onld/ LDEJL-GHSS ERMSE-Journal AWiley-Blackwell d/onld/ LDEJL-GHSS Digital LibraryData set AAfriGIS d/onld/ FAKEJTL Institutional Repository Scanned newspaper A SEP S.p.A d/onld/ FAKEJTL
A tentative step forward ▪Acquisitions data bundled to resource description across varying schemas and within various systems ▪System-agnostic serialization technologies XML, JSON ▪Possibility to utilize OAI-PMH to harvest data across multiple systems, so that this request: Prefix=mods&
Returns this:
Identity Management With Linked Data
●Identity management becomes important as we seek interoperability between systems through this acquisitions metadata schema ●Different systems use different labels for the same organization Royal Society of Chemistry The Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing Royal Society of Chemistry Pub Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Identity Management With Linked Data
●Moving beyond labels and using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) allows us to unambiguously identify organizations in various data sets URIs for the Royal Society of Chemistry Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) URI: Library of Congress Name Authority File (LCNAF) URI: North Carolina State University Organization Name Linked Data (ONLD) URI: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
●NCSU Organization Name Linked Data (ONLD) is based on the NCSU Organization Name Authority, a tool used to manage the variant forms of name for serial and e-resource publishers, providers, and vendors in E-Matrix, our locally- developed electronic resource management system. ●Includes links to other data sets including VIAF, LCNAF, ISNI, DBpedia, and Freebase. ●ONLD served as the seed data for organizations in the Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb) ●Also used by AgriProfiles (formerly AgriVIVO) to help manage organization names Overview of NCSU ONLD
●The NCSU ONLD can used to crosswalk multiple labels to a single URI URI Preferred Label Royal Society of Chemistry Alternate Labels The Royal Society of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing Royal Society of Chemistry Pub Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Links to URIs From Other Data Sets Crosswalking Labels to URIs ILS Title List ERMS Label: The Royal Society of Chemistry Label: Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing Label: Royal Society of Chemistry
●The preferred and alternate labels NCSU ONLD can also be used to crosswalk local labels for a vendor to VIAF & LCNAF URIs ILS Vendor Title List Label: The Royal Society of Chemistry Label: Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing Label: Royal Society of Chemistry LCNAF VIAF NCSU ONLD Alternate Labels URIs Crosswalking Labels to URIs ERMS
●Using URIs rather than labels allow for easier integration between multiple data sets Using URIs to link data sources ILS Vendor Title List URI: Label: The Royal Society of Chemistry URI: Label: Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing URI: Label: Royal Society of Chemistry ERMS Data Elements: Title Call Number Purchase Date Amount Paid Data Elements: Title License Information Usage Data Elements: Title List Price Package Vendor Subject Classification
URI: Label: The Royal Society of Chemistry ●Use case: building vendor-specific reports based on elements from multiple data sources ○Comparing vendor list price against the ILS payment data to calculate savings ○Calculating the money paid for titles covered by a particular vendor license ○Analyzing usage by subject area based on both ILS call number and vendor subject classification Using URIs to link data sources ILS Vendor Title List URI: Label: Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing URI: Label: Royal Society of Chemistry ERMS Data Elements: Title List Price Package Vendor Subject Classification Data Elements: Title Call Number Purchase Date Amount Paid Data Elements: Title License Information Usage
Acquisitions standards: next steps ▪Solicit feedback from community of practice for refined element set ▪Continue to develop proofs of concept and use cases ▪Consider moving ahead with actual standard development
Standards! Thank you! Paul Lightcap, Matthew Miguez, Eric Hanson,