Divera Twisk 31 October SWOV Enforcement in (near) future- issues to be addressed ESCAPE symposium
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE Content Short overview recommendations Lessons from Escape on enforcement Speed Alcohol Safety belts Conclusions
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE EU recommendations Target 50% less fatalities by 2010 Enforcement target: 25% reduction ( fatalities) Safety level within EU 1:3 (Short-term police enforcement/long term infrastructure) Reasoning: it is not the national laws/rules that make the difference but the level of enforcement Proposed measures based on experiences in SUN countries
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE Proposed measures (C/B) Drink driving 3.8 – 8 : 1 Speed : 1 Seatbelt : 1
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE ESCAPE and EU recommendations
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE ESCAPE Issues in alcohol enforcement How to target the heavy drinker (Also in SUN still a major problem) What alternatives are there for financial punishments: how effective? When to use an alcohol interlock and/or rehabilitation programs (ANDREA) How to communicate (especially new member states)
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE ESCAPE Issues in speed enforcement Despite high police enforcement Massive % of speed violations Compliance only at police controlled locations Speed violations are socially accepted Small violations are subject of public/political debate To hard to communicate in publicity campaigns
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE How to approach this: Embed enforcement in speed management approach Promote credibility Speed limits Fixed speed limits: while safe speed are context related develop Flexible contextual speed limits Communicate on speed issues, address: Individual drivers are inadequate in (collective) risk assessment minor violations or on the serious ones (not only on black spots) in-line with alcohol random testing: what about random speed checks
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE Issues in safety belt non-use Low priority in police work Technical solution as effective Combine with child restraints campaign
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE How to organize monitoring Use performance indicators (e.g % of drink- drivers): not police hours Set targets in terms of performance indicators Evaluate + demonstrate effects (research!)
Divera Twisk 2 December ESCAPE Conclusion Near future Communicate Legitimize effort To increase public support Embed enforcement in speed management e.g Credibility of speed limits Road design Far future An open eye for technology push