Read the right brain/left brain packet and write the numbers that apply to you. 10/20/15 Date:10/20/15Topic:The BrainPage # ___
Today in Room 326… ADMIT SLIP: Read packet to determine if you are right or left brained HW: Write a paragraph explaining how a signal is passed throughout the body CONTENT OBJ: SW describe the structure and function of a neuron LANG. OBJ: SW label the parts of their candy neuron verbally AGENDA: Right/Left Brain Feedback Loops Neuron Structure Date:10/20/15Topic:The BrainPage # ___
Right Brain/Left Brain Self-assessment What type of brain are you? Were your scores very lop-sided, or fairly even? Look at the back page. Which strategies might apply to you?
Right Brain vs Left Brain Video: gdpkxjEyuJ4 gdpkxjEyuJ4
Yesterday Review: CerebrumCerebellum Brain Stem Hypothalamus Responsible for…
Phineas Gage Read story
How does the brain send signals? Thoughts??
Signaling* * Endocrine system: Made up of many glands and cells that produce and release chemical messengers into the blood * Chemical messengers = hormones “Raging hormones” ? “Raging hormones” ? Levels change as you sexually mature, but hormones help maintain homeostasis for people of all ages
Hormones* Chemical substance produced by the body that controls the activity of cells or organs* Blood transports hormones past every cell of the body, but only certain “target” cells/organs can respond Cells must have the right receptor for that hormone* *Receptors are proteins that fit the shape of a specific hormone molecule Lock & key interaction*
Example: Water shortage in the body Hypothalamus Sensory neurons Increased sodium Pituitary gland Vasopressin Carried throughout body kidneys More water reabsorbed by body
Feedback Loops* Negative feedback: systems work to shut off the response that the body had to being out of balance Ex. Vasopressin (once body is back to normal sodium levels, the hypothalamus stops releasing vasopressin) Positive feedback: adjusts internal conditions towards the initial condition Ex. blood clotting
Feedback Loop Examples Come up with one for each!
Signaling* Two types of cells Neurons = produce, send, and receive signals Glial cells = protect, support, and insulate neurons
Neurons* What’s a neuron? Nerve cell: A specialized cell that transmits nerve impulses Example? Run throughout our body Send signals to each other Relay messages to the brain JOURNALS OUT!!
Neuron Fun Facts Average # of neurons in the brain = 100 billion Rate of neuron growth during fetal development = 250,000 neurons/minute Neuron width is thinner than a human hair Speed of signal transmitted through a neuron = 250 miles/hour All your neurons lined end to end would span about 600 miles
Neuron Structure Why are telephone wires coated in plastic or rubber? Same with TV cords, cell phone chargers, etc.? The rubber insulates the electric signal! Allows message to be carried
Neuron Structure Neurons in the brain work the same way! The carry electric signals to and from the brain, so they need insulation to successfully carry the signal wherever it needs to go
Neurons connect to each other k
Signaling Timed Trial Line up side-by-side while sitting in the floor You should be shoulder-to-shoulder with the person next to you Gently hold the forearm of the person to your right We are going to send a “squeeze” signal through the class. The first person will gently squeeze the second person, etc. When you feel a squeeze, squeeze your partner. I will time how long it takes the signal to reach the last person.
Time Trials Scenario 1: Arm TouchScenario 2: Leg Touch Time (seconds) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Results Comparing the results, what would you say about each situation? Why is this the case? Some signals are transmitted through a series of connected neurons, and some signals are transmitted through a really long neuron (long axon) Which animal would you think would need really long axons to transmit signals throughout the body? Fun Fact: Length of giraffe primary axon (head to toe) = 15 feet
Neuron Structure* Today we will use candy to create a neuron that has all necessary components! All candies should be used. But it’s up to you how to do it! Hint: The red vines are hollow! Then, label your neuron, check w/ Ms. Gately, & take a picture! ALSO, you MUST draw an image of a label neuron in your journal Draw
Materials (per person) One paper towel ½ pull-and-peel twizzler One normal twizzler One fruit roll-up One jelly bean Place on desk and DO NOT TOUCH
Make a Neuron! Using all the types of candy provided, make a neuron! Use your journal picture (and this one) to help you!
Now… With your table partner, place each of your axons next to each other in the way that axons are oriented in our body. How is the signal passed from one to another? *Synapse = small space that separates neurons
Signal Transmission* Neurotransmitter = a chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve fiber by the arrival of a nerve impulse (signal) By diffusing across the synapse, causes the transfer of the impulse to another nerve fiber I will come give you a swedish fish. Please break this into little “neurotransmitters” to place between your neurons to represent signal transmission
Draw & Label in Journal* What is this called??
Homework Write a paragraph, using ALL the vocabulary learned today, that describes the transmission of a nerve impulse (signal) throughout the body. Start with when a signal first hits the dendrites of a neuron.