ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB Overview of the ETFC project ETCF Information Days April 2nd 2008 Ankara
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB ETCF at a glance Project launched: December 2007 Project implemented by EUROCHAMBRES in cooperation with TOBB and Project Management Team Duration: 24 months financed by the EC Total budget: €
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB Why a new project ? TCDP I & II success and experience New momentum: EU accession negotiations
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB Why a new project ? Need for a new project to ensure that Turkish chambers : improve their service capacities to their members and develop their knowledge on the so-called EU acquis communautaire
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB ETCF overall aim To strengthen the dialogue and co- operation between Chambers both in Turkey and in the EU; thus promoting the integration of EU and Turkish business communities
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB Specific Objectives To increase Turkish Chambers’ knowledge on business-related acquis To enable Turkish chambers to take active part during the EU accession negotiations To enhance the abilities of Turkish chambers to design and generate value- added services to their members
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB ETCF Activities Related to EU Acquis A Survey on Turkish companies knowledge of EU legislation 12 EU training seminars 6 EU manuals Participation to EUROCHAMBRES Academies Turkish experts on EU Database
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB Other activities Upgrade of the accreditation system Communication activities (website, leaflet)
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB EU - Turkey Chambers Partnership Grant Scheme General Objective To enhance the service capacity of the Turkish Chambers by benchmarking with EU chambers and benefiting from their know-how
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB EU - Turkey Chambers Partnership Grant Scheme Priorities Findings of the TCDP II Survey allowed to defined priorities for the new partnerships, including: knowledge on core Chamber issues Development of international trade facilitation and export orientation services …..
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB EU - Turkey Chambers Partnership Grant Scheme Budget and Duration of Actions Total budget: € Grant between € and € Implementing period: between 8 and 12 months
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB EU - Turkey Chambers Partnership Grant Scheme Methodology CFCU in Ankara Contracting authority One call for proposal Turkish Chambers, lead applicants; EU chambers, partners. 2 months to prepare the project
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB ETCF Contacts in EUROCHAMBRES Dirk Vantyghem (project coordinator) Juliette Loppé (project manager) Sedef Subasi (project assistant)
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB ETCF Contacts in TOBB Mustafa Bayburtlu (Regional Coordinator) Werner Gruber (Regional Project Manager) Burcu Atilgan (Grant Scheme Expert) Merih Güney (Project Assistant)
ETCF is funded by the European Union Project is implemented by Eurochambres & TOBB Thank you for your attention