The European High Education Space and LEFIS Fernando Galindo University of Zaragoza Rovaniemi 5th June 2004
SUMMARY Brief History Developed LEFIS products Courses How to work? Work package Direct costs: kinds Next steps Association Conclusion
Brief history Teachers on Computers and Law from 19 Universities: from 1999 Experienced in research and development projects European High Education Space More learning as knowledge 83 European Members from Non European members Universities, Research Institutes, Public authorities, Private companies, Non profit associations
LEFIS: definition The Legal Framework for the Information Society (LEFIS) is an infrastructure to introduce the Information and Communication Technologies in the Faculties and Schools of Law, and to promote the study of regulations and practice codes in the Polytechnic Centers LEFIS will elaborate policies on Law and new technologies coming from discussions originated in the different regions of the European Union and another countries Mark and Association: nextly
LEFIS: objectives To build the necessary infrastructure for preparing socio-legal, economic and statistical studies and organisational and regulatory proposals in relation with Information and Communication technologies (ICT) To perform studies and making organizational and regulatory policies and proposals for the governance of ICT’s To develop modules in ICT law for both law students, computer science students and engineers according to the Bologna Declaration To develop the teaching modules in electronic format
Support Teaching: Socrates Programme, Erasmus Thematic Network ALFA Programme, European Union TEMPUS Programme, European Union PNUD, United Nations Programme for the Development (Next step: digital breach) AECI, Spanish Programme for the Development Research and development: European Programmes National Programmes Own resources of the participants
Institutional objectives Modules for permanent formation Regulatory proposals Code of practices for e-Commerce and e- Government Instruments for Governance Law proposals An Association National Masters European Master
Commercial products Teaching Courses and materials Books: Albarracin, Lund and Vilnius as models E-learning modules Research & groupware tools Intranet Knowledge management Security: identification management Artificial Intelligence & Law Groups of Interest (R&D)
Workshops 2004 Regional: cities Münster 9th March, Durham 24th March, Wroklaw 2- 3rd April, Roma 26th of April and Rovaniemi 4-5th June Scientific Rovaniemi, 4-5th June, Infrastructural Law Namur, 9-10 th July, Regulation and Teaching in Electronic Communications: The time of certainties or looking for new ways? Belfast, 24-25th July, Lessig’s Code: lessons for Legal Education from the frontiers of IT Law General: Digitalization and Administration of Justice Between 30th August and 1st September 2004 Zaragoza
Workshops: topics Regional: open meetings To present the activities of the partners To plan joint activities With professional associations and legal professions Scientific: closed LEFIS meetings Selected topics Good practices for teaching General Open call All the topics in relation with the title of the Conference and teaching Conclusions of the activities of the year Previsions for
Developed LEFIS products Courses Web site: Portal: and Open to the development by the partners of own web pages, in the languages of each partner Open to the use as tool in the teaching of LEFIS members Intranet Documents and drafts: contracts or courses Information on the partners Courses for closed communities Workflow application LEFIS and APTICE members: discussions Security of the telecommunications PKIs Interoperability of the security of the telecommunications Codes of conduct (from APTICE and AGACE)
Courses Objectives Modalities
Objectives To provide education on ICT Law for jurists and non-jurists To provide legal education and other kinds of education with the assistance of ICTs To provide all kinds of education by distance teaching techniques Development of teaching material
Modalities Permanent formation Initial proposal: courses between 30 and 60 hours Tool for e learning in the Web The LEFIS offert for Masters Doctorate programmes Graduate courses
How to work? Work package Responsible person Duration Aims and objectives Activities and deadlines Outcomes Boundaries and intersections with other work packages Resources and materials to be used Cost/Budget
Work package 1 Work packageRovaniemi University Responsible personAhti Saarenpää Duration
Work package 2 Aims and objectives Building the necessary European infrastructure for preparing socio-legal, economic and statistical studies and organisational and regulatory proposals in relation with Information and Communication technologies (ICT) Performing studies and making organizational and regulatory policies and proposals for the governance of ICT’s Development of modules in ICT law for both law students, computer science students and engineers according to the Bologna Declaration Developing the teaching modules in electronic format
Work package 3 Activities and deadlines Organization of the regional LEFIS workshop of Rovaniemi Elaboration of teaching modules for postgraduates, doctoral studies, masters and graduates in law, social sciences and computing/engineering students Elaboration of Materials for teaching Collaboration in the making of the code APTICE and the stamp AGACE Coordination of the establishment of nationally delivered European Masters with a common core Development of the content of the LEFIS page of Rovaniemi University Publication of articles and comparative analysis reports
Work package 4 Outcomes The creation and updating of the web page of Rovaniemi U. in the Portal LEFIS The creation and updating of the intranet part of Rovaniemi U. in LEFIS, contributing material for courses at distance or mixed Materials for teaching: presentations, word documents, another documents Examen for the participants in the teaching offered by LEFIS The publication of results, guidelines addressing training and integration of policies directed at experts in making legal policies for the regulation of the ICT’s. Reports and analysis of surveys across participating countries that compare and contrast the policies and practice of initial education in law of ICT’s and training across participating countries Collaboration to the elaboration of the finnish version of the LEFIS Portal, the code APTICE and the stamp AGACE
Work package 5 Boundaries and intersections with other work packages... Resources and materials to be used Ahti Saarenpää Infrastructure of Rovaniemi U. LEFIS Infrastructure Cost/Budget Total.- X Staff.- Y Direct costs.- Z (at least the same amount as the LEFIS funds: own resources) + EU
Costs: kinds Personnel costs Direct costs travel+subsistence costs equipment and materials subcontracting costs and other costs (printing, translation, dissemination and other)
Next steps The project: Signature of the general agreement: the Consortium Signature of bilateral agreements: the compromise of each partner, Based in detailed work packages The non-profit Association: Committee LEFIS of APTICE (
Association Private-public association Based in contribution of joint activities and products Non academical association Non professional association Non conference association
Conclusion 1. Development of joint products 2. Consortium 3. Bilateral agreements 4. Non profit Association: common infrastructure 5. Profitable products: by each partner 6. LEFIS as an example of the European High Education Space in the Praxis