Master Plan Process FY Proposed Draft
October - February Cluster Groups and Units Identify Initiatives These are general goals or outcomes that can be measured There should only be 5 Initiatives per Cluster Group Example: Increased Student Retention Measure: Number of students returning from Fall to the next Fall term Target: Increase Fall to Fall retention rate by 10 percentage points.
October - February Cluster Groups and Units Identify Measure(s) and Target(s) for the Initiative Example: Increased Student Retention Measure: Number of students returning from Fall to the next Fall term Target: Increase Fall to Fall retention rate by 10 percentage points.
October - February Cluster Groups and Units Identify Initiative Objectives These are specific action steps or tactics that will be implemented to achieve the Initiative Example: Increased Student Retention Initiative Objectives: Enhance tutoring services Conduct student focus groups to gather data on factors impacting student retention Collect and analyze data on student attendance and performance patterns during the term to support early intervention efforts
October - February Cluster Groups enter data into Master Plan Database Initiatives Priority for Initiatives Measures Targets Initiative Objectives No dollars are attached to Initiatives and Initiative Objectives at this time.
Mid - February Institutional Planning Committee (IPC) reviews Initiatives and Initiative Objectives IPC prioritizes Initiatives only IPC will have all of the information on Initiatives and Initiative Objectives to shape their prioritizations
Late - February Cluster Groups will communicate to their Units the Initiatives approved by the IPC. Initiatives prioritized by the IPC with the accompanying Initiative Objectives will be added to the Budget Database to provide a drop-down list for use by Units.
March Units will enter their requests for funding into the Budget Database. Units will identify Request is in the list of prioritized Initiatives and Initiative Objectives or Request is a request for additional resources to support unit operations
March If the request is part of the Master Plan, the request: Must directly support one of the IPC prioritized Initiative Must be selected from a drop-down list of Initiative Objectives Must identify additional resources Funds Staff Facilities Technology or capital equipment
April All Master Plan requests will be extracted from the Budget Database and forwarded to appropriate Cluster Groups Cluster Groups will review and edit the Initiative Objectives for their Units Cluster Groups will prioritize the Initiative Objectives and submit to IPC subcommittee
April - May IPC subcommittee will Review the prioritized list from Cluster Groups to ensure consistency with IPC prioritized Initiatives Coordinate with other committees or groups for additional information or for additional prioritizations Facilities Task Force HR Technology and Capital Equipment Committee
May IPC submits IPC prioritized Initiatives and Cluster Group prioritized Initiative Objectives to President’s Leadership Team.
May – November of Following Year Cluster Groups Evaluate progress of approved Initiatives Collect data for measures Enter data into the Unit Level Effectiveness Assessment Documentation (ULEAD) database system