Student Success Report Enrollment Numbers 2. Graduation Numbers and Rates 3. Student Retention Office of Institutional Research October 2013
Student Enrollment Data Annual Full Time Equivalent (FTE) and Indian Student Count (ISC) Annual FTE by Site and by Mode of Learning Annual FTE for ABE/GED students Annual FTEs for Continuing Education (CEU) students
Graduation Data Number of Graduates by Type of Degree On Time Graduation Rates are defined as 1.5 years for Certificates, 3 years for Associates, and 6 years for Bachelors
Number of Graduates by type of Degree
On Time Graduation Rate
Student Retention Fall to Fall: The number of students who completed at least one credit in their first fall quarter, and then the number who completed at least one credit the following fall quarter. All of the counts in the following graphs are undergraduate (UG) students only.
Fall to Fall Retention Rate for Students by Location
Fall to Fall Retention Numbers for Students by Location
Fall to Fall Retention Rate for Degree Seeking Students
Fall to Fall Retention for Degree Seeking Students
Fall to Fall Retention Rate for Non- Degree Seeking Students
Fall to Fall Retention for Non-Degree Seeking Students