1 Dr Paul Gray Executive Director for Children and Young People “Addressing the needs of children and young people with Autism”
2 Topics to be covered…. SCC’s responsibilities to deliver services Pressures and Needs Planning and Development Current and future provision
3 Our Responsibilities Meeting the needs of all pupils Keeping provision for pupils with SEN under review Developing services and provision Working with parents and partners, including health services and the voluntary sector
4 Surrey Children’s Service Why the service was created: –Long-term commitment to joint working –SCC initiatives –Shift in national policy
5 Surrey Children’s Service Values Principles Delivery Objectives
6 Pressures and Needs Needs of the individual child Parent/Carer views and needs Inclusion Agenda Identification and Assessment of ASD Planning in the long term and providing for immediate needs
7 Planning and Development SEN Development Plan Learning Difficulty, Severe Learning Difficulty, ASD Review –Investment over long term –Increase provision Service Developments
8 Provision and Developments Early Bird Provision at early years Mainstream Special schools Specific projects
9 Future plans… Language and Communication Review Children’s Service National Autism Plan for Children