Childhood Obesity Advertising and Technology
Agenda Introductions Key Terms Explore Issues Fish Bowl Break!!!! Group Discussion
GREEN PEAS Gabrielle Witherill- Moderator Janet Rumsey-Speaker 2 Melissa Koda-Speaker 3 Michael DeRose-Speaker 4 Darcy Lake- Speaker 5
KEY TERMS BMI: (Body Mass Index) Uses height and weight to determine amount of body fat Fast Food: Inexpensive food prepared and served quickly (Chicken, Hamburger, Milkshakes, & French Fries) Neglect: Lack of attention and Care Junk Food: High calorie and low in nutrients foods Childhood Obesity: Being over the 30% range on the BMI scale and under 18 years of age Media: the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely. Sedentary lifestyle: Taking part in no physical activity or irregular activity Technology: The practical application of knowledge especially in the area of engineering Marketing: The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy inhibition and organization objectives Obesity: Generally a BMI of 18.5 to 25% indicates a normal, healthy weight. A BMI under 18.5% means a person is underweight, and a BMI from 26-30% means a person is overweight. A BMI over 30% means a person is obese.
ISSUES To what extent can we blame advertisement for childhood obesity?
Issues To what extent can we blame technology for childhood obesity and forms of neglect?
Marketing Children see 10,000 food advertisements per year Brand imprinting Children spend $30 billion of there OWN money – Food Companies spend $10 billion Since 1994 US companies have introduced 600 new food products Spend on average 1.4 Billion Dollars Sudden Epidemic
Fast Food = FAT Food -1 out of 4 Americans visits a FAST FOOD Restaurant a day -Obesity rates have doubled among children 6 to 11 and TRIPLED in children 12 to 19 -Diabetes
The key to the preventing of childhood obesity lies with the parents.
Be a responsible parent, say NO to junk food and fast food.
Parents need to educate their children to choose life lasting nutrition habits.
Teens who have a least six meals per week with one or both parents are less likely to skip breakfast and more likely to eat vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.
Active parents have active children.
The number one priority of parents should be their children’s health and well being.
What Technology Influences Obesity In Children? Automated Transportation TV/ Media Computer/ Internet/ Media Home Appliances Vending Machines Processed Foods
What Technology Influences Childhood Obesity? Transportation Media – Computer – TV
- Home Appliances Microwaves Deep Fryers Air Conditioning/ Heating -Processed Foods Cheap, tasty, unhealthy and fattening. Longer shelf life than fresh foods. Raise variety of livestock year-round.
Vending Machines Outlet for extremely unhealthy healthy foods. USDA has no authority to regulate vending machines. 74% of beverage options and 85% of snack options were nutritionally-poor options (out of 1,420 vending machines in 251 schools)
Technology Can Be a Good Thing! Health & fitness apps on smart phones Text messaging helps us track our behavior – Study: Those that used cell phones as opposed to paper diaries to track healthy behavior were more likely to keep track of their behavior effectively
Technology continued - Nintendo Wii: Wii fit video games, yoga - Cyber Coach - uses the premise of a video game but encourages physical play
Key Points, Summery, & Possible Ideas for Change - Marketing is one factor that is playing a large role in childhood obesity
Key Points, Summary, & Possible Ideas for Change It also fall on the parents to teach and encourage healthy eating habits Parents also need to teach their children that it is important to be physically active
Key Points, Summary, & Possible ideas for Change Limit the amount of time that a child spends on the computer and sitting in front of the TV
Key Points, Summary, & Possible Ideas for Change Purchase Active Video Game Alternatives
Sources pharmacy-medicine-blog/category/pediatric- obesity/ pharmacy-medicine-blog/category/pediatric- obesity/ od-obesity.html od-obesity.html ons/2010/0908/Kinect-bundle-will-include- Xbox-360-console-and-games-Microsoft-says ons/2010/0908/Kinect-bundle-will-include- Xbox-360-console-and-games-Microsoft-says /Healthy-man-25-collapses-dies- playing-Wii-Fit-game.html /Healthy-man-25-collapses-dies- playing-Wii-Fit-game.html gadgets gadgets ason_green_peas.html ason_green_peas.html content/uploads/2010/05/text-messaging- 1.jpg content/uploads/2010/05/text-messaging- 1.jpg Raising-Children-in-a-Computer-Age Raising-Children-in-a-Computer-Age heran-health-network-sponsoring-free- family-activity-festival-this-saturday-at- canlan/ heran-health-network-sponsoring-free- family-activity-festival-this-saturday-at- canlan/ hive.html hive.html em= em= w-to-check-obesity-in-children/ w-to-check-obesity-in-children/ log/childhood-obesity/is-there-one-cause-of- childhood-obesity log/childhood-obesity/is-there-one-cause-of- childhood-obesity