Action Plan e Europe 2005: Information Society for all E. Filos Ljubljana, Slovenia 24 October 2002 E. Filos Ljubljana, Slovenia 24 October 2002
- October eEurope 2002: Progress Made Internet penetration in homes doubled, prices have fallen Internet penetration in homes doubled, prices have fallen Telecom framework in place Telecom framework in place Most Companies & Schools connected Most Companies & Schools connected Europe has world’s fastest research backbone network Europe has world’s fastest research backbone network eCommerce legal framework in place eCommerce legal framework in place More Government services available online More Government services available online
- October eEurope 2005 What’s new? What’s new? Broadband, multi-platform access e-business flexibility, enlargement What’s still important? What’s still important? Security skills access for all
- October Approach Break vicious circle: stimulate positive feedback between infrastructure upgrades & new service development Break vicious circle: stimulate positive feedback between infrastructure upgrades & new service development two groups of actions: two groups of actions: services, applications and content broadband infrastructure and security go beyond current policies go beyond current policies mid-term review to ensure smooth phasing in of new Member States mid-term review to ensure smooth phasing in of new Member States
- October Targets By 2005 Europe should have: By 2005 Europe should have: modern online public services e-Government e-Learning e-Health a dynamic e-business environment, enabled by: enabled by: widespread availability of broadband at competitive prices a secure information infrastructure
- October Action Plan Structured around four interlinked action-lines: Structured around four interlinked action-lines: policy measures good practice benchmarking overall co-ordination of existing policies
- October Proposed actions: eGovernment Modern, online public services: e- Government Modern, online public services: e- Government broadband connection of all public services interoperability (framework by end 2003) interactive public services by end 2004 public procurement public internet access points (PIAP’s) culture and tourism
- October Proposed actions: e-Learning Modern, online public services: e- Learning Modern, online public services: e- Learning broadband connections for all schools (end 2005) e-Learning programme by end 2002 virtual campus for all students and researchers actions for computer supported co- operative learning systems by end 2003 e-Training for the unskilled
- October Proposed actions: e-Health Modern, online public services: e- Health Modern, online public services: e- Health electronic health cards health information networks online health services
- October Proposed actions: e-Business Dynamic e-Business environment (end 2003) Dynamic e-Business environment (end 2003) review relevant legislation - e-business summit in 2003 SMEs: creation of a European e-business opportunities network e-skills: supply/demand analysis
- October Proposed actions: e-Business Dynamic e-Business environment (cont): Dynamic e-Business environment (cont): Interoperability: transactions, security, signatures, procurement and payments trust and confidence: legal issues and dispute resolution ‘.eu company’: trusted cyberidentity
- October Proposed actions: Security Secure Information Infrastructure: Secure Information Infrastructure: cyber security task force (CSTF) - mid 2003 supported by Member States and Industry centre of competance on security issues ‘culture of security’ (end 2005) develop best practice and standards report on progress issued end 2003 secure communications between public servers
- October Proposed actions: Broadband Broadband: Broadband: spectrum policy broadband access for less favoured regions reduce barriers for broadband deployment multi platform content digital switchover
- October Benchmarking & Good Practices Benchmarking: Benchmarking: list of indicators and methodology (end 02) evaluation e-Europe 2002 action plan Good practices: Good practices: identification and selection of good practice worldwide production of templates or guidelines dissemination in the EU and candidate countries through conferences, workshops, support networks and a website
- October Sevilla European Summit The European Council The European Council “endorses the objectives of the Commission’s Action Plan for eEurope 2005 as an important contribution to the Union’s efforts towards a competitive, knowledge- based economy” “calls upon all institutions to ensure that it will be fully implemented by the end of 2005”
- October Towards implementation complete and evaluate eEurope 2002 complete and evaluate eEurope 2002 set up eEurope steering group set up eEurope steering group review list of benchmarking indicators review list of benchmarking indicators
- October More information