Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 Maintenance of functioning of ecosystems Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems need water to maintain their functioning: plants evaporate and transpire water; animals drink water; fish and amphibians need water to live in. Water is also used by upper-watershed ecosystems, like forests, shrublands and woodlands. Water resource inputs maintain a dynamic in ecosystems Downstream, wetlands, floodplains, and mangroves need freshwater inputs. This water is used to maintain a (semi)-natural dynamic, often of a seasonal nature. To prevent degradation and destruction of ecosystems, it is important to have enough water of the right quality and with the right seasonal variability. 1. How does the environment use water? (1 of 1) 1. How does it use water?
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 Ecosystems provide goods and services The goods and services (functions) (see Overview) that are provided by the ecosystems benefit people and their livelihoods. These benefits are often not fully recognised in planning and managing water resources. The total benefits are estimated to be USD 8.8 billion per year (IUCN).(see Overview) Destruction of ecosystems penalises the poor most They are the ones who benefit from the “free” common resources (fuel wood, water, fisheries, fruits). They can also contribute to ecosystem degradation through over-exploitation. That is why it is important that user communities are involved in water management decisions. 2. Why is the environment important? (1 of 2) 2. Why is it important?
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 2. Why is the environment important? Natural ecosystems provide many goods and services to humankind that are often neglected in planning and decision making. (2 of 2) Click on the pictures to see examples 2. Why is it important?
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 3. How is the environment affected by other sectors? Agriculture Urban water uses HydropowerIndustry Environment’s needs for water are easily neglected The needs of water for nature, or the environment, are too easily neglected in considerations of water allocations. But if too much water is allocated for other sectors, the impacts on ecosystems can be devastating. (1 of 5) 3. Effects of other sectors
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 3. How is the environment affected by other sectors? Agriculture Impact of agriculture on the environment is of major importance The agriculture sector is most important as a user of water and impacts most heavily on ecosystems’ ”water share”. Abstraction of water for agriculture is leading to dried up rivers, falling ground water tables, salinated soil and polluted waterways. Carefully considered multipurpose projects can combine irrigation with aquifer recharge, land drainage and ecosystem sustenance. (2 of 5) 3. Effects of other sectors
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 3. How is the environment affected by other sectors? Urban water uses Urban water uses can cause pollution Urban water uses, in particular wastewater effluents, pollute downstream ecosystems if not sufficiently treated. The treatment of effluents is often costly and, especially in developing countries, not considered a high priority given other needs. When due consideration is given to the value of ecosystems, effluent recycling and reuse are often seen to be cost-effective conservation measures. (3 of 5) 3. Effects of other sectors
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 3. How is the environment affected by other sectors? Hydropower sector Hydropower sector affects water regime The hydropower sector affects downstream ecosystems by changing the water and sediment regime and blocking migratory movements of fish and amphibians. In some cases reservoirs have provided new habitats for animals and investments have been made in environmental protection upstream. Combining considerations of power generation, flood control and ecosystem protection can mean new operational rules for reservoir releases. (4 of 5) 3. Effects of other sectors
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 3. How is the environment affected by other sectors? Industry Industry affects water quantity and quality Industry often has substantial impacts on ecosystems downstream through water use and pollution. Mining, for example, has affected many waterways in Latin America. In Western Europe industrial pollution has taken its toll on aquatic ecosystems during the last century. Transfer of recycling technologies to developing countries could help to pre-empt ecosystem damage from industrial development. (5 of 5) 3. Effects of other sectors
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 Environment as competitor for water Water assigned for ecosystem protection is not available for other uses. Well functioning ecosystems provide benefits downstream Examples of benefits downstream are flood attenuation by a floodplain wetland, or the cleansing of limited amounts of pollution. Protection of upper-catchments is also known to provide benefits for flood peak reduction, especially at local scales. Ecosystems can provide good quality water for other uses Ecosystems maintained in a healthy state can provide good quality water that can be used by any other user. Clean rivers, non-polluted groundwater sources, fresh mountain springs are easily disrupted by inappropriate water and land-use. 4. How does the environment affect other sectors? (1 of 1) 4. Impact on other sectors
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 5. Benefits of IWRM to the environment Provides a voice for the needs of the environment Ecosystems can benefit from applying an integrated approach to water management by giving environmental needs a voice in the water allocation debate. At present these needs are often not represented at the negotiating table. Raising awareness among other users IWRM can assist the sector by raising awareness among other users of the needs of ecosystems and the benefits these generate for them. Often these are undervalued and not incorporated into planning and decision-making. (1 of 3) 5. Benefits from IWRM
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 5. Benefits of IWRM to the environment More emphasis on maintaining the underlying ecosystem The ecosystem approach provides a new framework for IWRM that focuses more attention on a system approach to water management. It provides an alternative to a sub-sector competition perspective, with more emphasis on maintaining the underlying ecosystem as a factor that can join stakeholders in developing a shared view and joint action. Uniting different stakeholders Most importantly, the IWRM concept can bring together communities, industrialists, water managers and opinion formers (teachers, religious leaders, media representatives) in a common cause to achieve sustainability by conserving both water and ecosystems. (2 of 3) 5. Benefits from IWRM
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 Positive side effects for other natural resources An ecosystem approach to water management focuses on several field level interventions: protecting upper catchments (e.g. reforestation, good land husbandry, soil erosion control), pollution control (e.g. point source reduction, non-point source incentives, groundwater protection) and environmental flows (e.g. through reducing abstractions, special releases from reservoirs, river restoration). 5. Benefits of IWRM to the environment (3 of 3) 5. Benefits from IWRM
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 6. Barriers to implementing IWRM in the environment Urge for action Of all the sectors, the environment is probably the one with most to gain from implementation of IWRM. Usually at the end of the queue (if not missing altogether) when water allocations are made, it is suffering the consequences of water scarcity and poor awareness. The desire for an IWRM approach is therefore very strong in the environment sector, but there are some stumbling blocks to be overcome: Lack of awareness Lack of awareness among all water users is the biggest obstacle to change. Lack of political will Lack of political will to combat vested interests is also an important barrier. Fishes have no voice, farmers do. Often the interest of farmers and other water users prevail over the water needs of ecosystems. Lack of human and financial resources Lack of human and financial resources causes ecosystems not to be taken into account in planning and development. (1 of 1) 6. Barriers to IWRM
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 7. Implications for change: legal, institutional, human resources Recognition of needs of environment From the environmental perspective, a major requirement of water sector reform is to provide recognition of ecosystem needs alongside the demands of domestic, industrial and agricultural water users. Legislative adaptations National legislation often needs to be harmonised and strengthened to include an environmental perspective into water management and other relevant sectoral policies and legal arrangements. At present many conflicting arrangements exist. Institutional adaptations Water departments need to function more and more as brokers between various other departments and stakeholders, rather than stand-alone units. Which way to go? (1 of 2) 7. Towards change
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 7. Implications for change: legal, institutional, human resources Capacity building The above requires a substantive capacity building in facilitation, mediation, negotiation and surveillance. At present, staff are often not well equipped to take on these responsibilities as they require knowledge and skills beyond those traditionally taught to an engineer or hydrologist. (2 of 2) 7. Towards change
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 8. Think about it (1 of 1) 8. Think about it
Environment NEXT BACK The environment 2. Why is it important? 3. Effects of other sectors 4. Impact on other sectors 5. Benefits from IWRM 6. Barriers to IWRM 7. Towards change 8. Think about it 1. How does it use water? 2 2 You have reached the end of this section