TM 1 Tracking Novel Influenza A H1N1 Vaccine Doses Administered May 13, 2009 Presentation by Division of Emergency Preparedness and Response National Center for Public Health Informatics and Immunization Services Division National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
TM 2 Discussion Topics Background Vaccine Update Minimum Dataset Tracking Planning considerations for Project Areas and CDC Discussion and Q&A
TM 3 Background The National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza: Implementation Plan calls for monitoring appropriate use of scarce pre-pandemic/pandemic influenza vaccine To accomplish this, Project Areas are expected to track pandemic influenza (PI) vaccine doses administered at the individual patient level and then send a subset of data on a weekly basis to CDC CDC’s Countermeasure and Response Administration (CRA) system has been modified to provide flexible ways for Project Areas to report vaccine doses administered
TM 4 Rationale for Tracking Vaccine DAX2009 Project is replaced by H1N1 vaccine doses administered Pandemic Plan is applied to H1N1 Response Vaccines will be limited in the initial months needing to be monitored to ensure critical infrastructure is vaccinated first Accountability for vaccine administration
TM 5 Vaccine Update Manufacturing, Distribution and Administration Priority Groups Currently, priority groups remain the same In the coming months, it will be clearer if there will be changes; great flexibility is needed
TM 6 Vaccine Update cont. Vaccine expected to be available in September Larger volumes of data will be sent for H1N1 vaccinations compared to the CRA exercises Data sent weekly to CDC by Tuesday 11:59 pm of your respective time zone Quality control measures will be employed Completeness Timeliness
TM 7 Planning Considerations at Project Area Level Coordination with clinics Coordination with the preparedness officer and local health departments Technical (digital certificates, IT etc.) Possible alternative to digital certificates Operational (recruiting staff and volunteers) Training Materials
TM 8 Planning Consideration at CDC Level Modifications in the CRA application Reconfirm CRA options with Project Areas Changes in the data exchange specification Training materials and guidance Data presentation Possible changes in security measures for CRA application access
TM 9 Next Steps – Project Areas By May 30 th, Project Areas need to Confirm POC and Option Choice Identify needs and gaps Expect a one-on-one call from CDC CRA point of contact to further understand preliminary plans
TM 10 Training Conference, August, 2009 Scheduled for August 26 – 28, 2009 Participants from each state/Project Area Tentative Topics: vaccine update, training on CRA, safety, priority screening planning, and distribution of vaccine
TM 11 CRA Team Contact Information Jeanne Tropper, NCPHI/DEPR CRA Lead, Tom Shimabukuro, NCIRD/ISD Pan Flu Task Lead, Charles Williams, SRA Contractor, Project Area and Public Health Partner Liaison, CRA Help
TM 12 Questions and Answers