Binary Search Tree
Tree A nonlinear data structure consisting of nodes, each of which contains data and pointers to other nodes. Each node has only one predecessor (parent), except the root node, which has none. ΩΩΩΩΩΩ ΩΩΩΩΩΩ Tree Data Structure Ω
Terminology Node Contains data and pointers to other nodes (called child nodes) Parent Node Each node has at most one node. Root node has no parent Leaf Node with no children ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ ΩΩΩΩΩΩ ΩΩ Root Node Leaf Node
Terminology Height of Tree Longest path to a leaf Subtree A node and all its children Edge (or link) A path from a node to its child Null pointer Points to no node (in C++, 0) ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ ΩΩΩΩΩΩ ΩΩ Root Node (Ω)(Ω)
Binary Tree is a nonlinear linked structure in which each node may point to two other nodes, and every node but the root node has a single predecessor. Root Node Left SubtreeRight Subtree
Binary Search Tree Binary tree in which a data item is inserted in such a way that all items less than the item in a node are in the left subtree All items greater than the item in a node are in the right subtree Root Node Left SubtreeRight Subtree
Traversals Any process for visiting the nodes in some order is called a traversal. E.g., printing, searching.
Traversals Preorder traversal: Visit the root, then visit its left and right subtrees (children) Postorder traversal: Visit the left and right subtrees (children), then visit the root Inorder traversal: Visit the left subtree, then the root, then the right subtree.
Preorder Traversal 1 23
Postorder Traversal 1 2 3
Inorder Traversal 1 2 3
Representing Node struct TreeNode { elemType value; // value in node TreeNode *left; // pointer to left child TreeNode *right; // pointer to right child }; TreeNode *root; // pointer to root node Note the recursive form of the declaration. 30
BST Operations (Public) typedef int elemType; class BinTree { public: BinTree(); void insertNode(elemType item); bool search(elemType item); void remove(elemType item); void displayInOrder(); void displayPreOrder(); void displayPostOrder(); private:... Private declarations };
Private Methods class BinTree { public:... Public methods private: struct TreeNode { elemType value; // value in node TreeNode *left; // pointer to left child node TreeNode *right; // pointer to right child node }; TreeNode *root; // pointer to the root node void insert(TreeNode *&nodePtr, TreeNode *&newNode); void removeNode(elemType item, TreeNode *&nodePtr); void makeRemoval(TreeNode *&nodePtr); void displayInOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr); void displayPreOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr); void displayPostOrder(TreeNode *nodePtr); };
BST Constructor #define NULL 0 BinTree::BinTree() { root = NULL; // NULL pointer }
BST InsertNode Operation To DisplayInOrder
BST InsertNode Operation void BinTree::insertNode(elemType item) { TreeNode *newNode; // pointer to new node // Create new node and store item newNode = new TreeNode; newNode->value = item; newNode->left = newNode->right = NULL; // Insert the node insert(root, newNode); }
BST Insert Method (Private) void BinTree::insert(TreeNode *&nodePtr, TreeNode *&newNode) { if (nodePtr == NULL) // Insert the node nodePtr = newNode; else if (newNode->value value) // Attach on left subtree insert(nodePtr->left, newNode); else // Attach on right subtree insert(nodePtr->right, newNode); } TreeNode *&NodePtr — nodePtr is reference to actual argument
Order of Insertion Affects Tree Height 37, 24, 32, 42, 40, 42, 7, 120, 2 120, 42, 7, 42, 32, 2, 37, 40, 24
Which Structure Allows More Efficient Search? Key Value:
BST DisplayInOrder Operation void BinTree::displayInOrder() { displayInOrder(root); }
BST DisplayInOrder Method (Private) void BinTree::displayInOrder( TreeNode *nodePtr) { if (nodePtr) { displayInOrder(nodePtr->left); cout value << endl; displayInOrder(nodePtr->right); } To BST diagram
BST Remove Operation When removing a node from a tree, there are 4 cases to consider 1. The node is a leaf 2. The node has no right child 3. The node has no left child 4. The node has both children
BST Remove Operation (Node is a leaf) root Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω This node to be deleted Ω Ω Ω Ω 7 Ω Ω BeforeAfter
BST Remove Operation (Node has no right child) root Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω This node to be deleted Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Before After
BST Remove Operation (Node has no left child) root Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω This node to be deleted Ω ΩΩ Ω Ω Ω After Before
BST Remove Operation (Node has both children) This node to be deleted root Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 40 Ω Ω Ω ΩΩ Ω Ω 40 Ω Ω Before Ω Ω Ω 40 Ω Ω After
BST remove Operation void BinTree::remove(elemType item) { removeNode(item, root); }
BST removeNode Method (Private) void BinTree::removeNode(elemType item, TreeNode *&nodePtr) { if (item == nodePtr->value) makeRemoval(nodePtr); else if (item value) removeNode(item, nodePtr->left); else // item > nodePtr->value removeNode(item, nodePtr->right); }
BST makeRemoval Method (Private) void BinTree::makeRemoval(TreeNode *&nodePtr) { TreeNode *tempPtr; if (nodePtr == NULL) cout << "Cannot remove empty node.\n"; else if (nodePtr->right == NULL) { // no right child tempPtr = nodePtr; nodePtr = nodePtr->left; // reattach left child delete tempPtr; } else if (nodePtr->left == NULL) { // no left child tempPtr = nodePtr; nodePtr = nodePtr->right; // reattach right child delete tempPtr; }... This is where *&nodePtr becomes important.
BST makeRemoval Method (cont.) else { // node has right and left children // check the right subtree tempPtr = nodePtr->right; // got to end of left subtree while (tempPtr->left) tempPtr = tempPtr->left; // reattach left subtree tempPtr->left = nodePtr->left; tempPtr = nodePtr; // reattach right subtree nodePtr = nodePtr->right; delete tempPtr; }