The Principles of the Constitution
11/4/15 7 Principles #36 Warm up- What are some important principles that guide my life? Respond with 3-5 complete sentences Your notes will glue here (if it is easier for you, you may flip your right and left page here, meaning, glue on the left and write on the right) Wrap up: Which of the 7 principles is the most important in our lives today? Why?
11/5/15 7 Principles #37 Warm up- Choose 3 principles and complete 3 Frayer models, one on each principle chosen. Your 3 Frayer Models will go here. Wrap up: Tweet about the importance of the 7 principles. Your hash tag is the principle you have chosen, your tweet is why it is important.
Which grievances are solved in the Constitution? Declaration of Independence Bill of Rights Solution He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. 3rd Amendment For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury. 5th Amendment
What are Principles? A principle is a kind of rule, belief, or idea that guides you. A person who has principles is a good, decent person.
How do Principles work in the Constitution? Principles guide the Constitution, just how principles guide people. Principles are the values and beliefs of the country and help us make decisions.
What are the Seven Principles of the Constitution? Popular Sovereignty Republicanism Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Limited Government Individual Rights Federalism
Popular Sovereignty and Republicanism
What is Popular Sovereignty? Popular Sovereignty means the government is controlled by the people. Example(s) – People can run for office, campaign for individuals who run, or protest decisions made by other, and vote.
Where is Popular Sovereignty found in the Constitution? Popular Sovereignty is found in the Preamble of the Constitution. “We the People” means the people are in charge.
What is Republicanism? Republicanism means people vote for people to represent their views in Congress. In our country, we have voted for 435 Representatives and 100 Senators. They make our nation’s laws.
Where is Republicanism found in the Constitution? Republicanism is found in Article 1 of the Constitution. “The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People”.
Separation of Powers
What is Separation of Powers? Separation of Powers divides the powers of government into 3 branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
What is the Legislative Branch? The Legislative Branch is also called Congress. The Legislative Branch passes laws. The Legislative Branch has two houses. The House of Representatives and the Senate.
What is the Senate? The Senate is the “upper house” of the Senate. It has 100 members. Each state gets two members.
What is the House of Representatives? The House is the “lower house” of Congress. The House has 435 members. House membership is based on the population of each state.
House of Representative Map
How do the Senate and House work together to pass laws? In order for a law to pass, it has to pass both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Great Compromise created this situation.
What is the Executive Branch? The Executive Branch is the President, the Vice President, and the people who work for them. The Executive Branch enforces the laws. They make sure the laws are followed.
What is the Judicial Branch? The Judicial Branch is the Supreme Court and the lower courts that work beneath it. The Judicial Branch interprets the laws.
Where are Separation of Powers found in the Constitution? Separation of Powers is in Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Constitution where each branch is given its roles and responsibilities.
Check for Understanding: Answer the 3 questions in your notes
Checks and Balances
What are Checks and Balances? Each of the 3 branches of government has a little control, or check, on the other 2 branches. Example – Federal judges are nominated by the President, but have to be approved by Congress.
What is a veto? The President can reject a law by not signing it. If the President does not sign a bill, it cannot become a law.
What is an override? Congress can ignore a Presidential veto if 2/3 or 67% of Congress passes the law.
What is Judicial Review? Judges can declare a law unconstitutional and stop laws that have already passed. This power is called Judicial Review.
Where are Checks and Balances found in the Constitution? Checks and Balances are found in Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Constitution. Where each branch is given power over the others.
Limited Government and Individual Rights
What is Limited Government? Limited Government means everybody has to follow the same laws, even members of the government. If a Representative breaks a law or abuses his/her power, he/she would face a trial just like everybody else.
Where is Limited Government found in the Constitution? Articles 1, 2, and 3 explain why/how each member of government can get in trouble. The Bill of Rights explains what the government cannot do.
What are Individual Rights? Individual Rights are personal liberties and privileges that people are born with and can not be taken away.
Where are Individual Rights found in the Constitution? The Bill of Rights contains our Individual Rights.
What is Federalism? Federalism is a system of government in which powers are shared by the national and state governments. The states and national governments share powers and work together.
How does Federalism work in Criminal Justice? Powers are shared between the National Government (Washington D.C.) and the different states/cities. FBI= National Sheriff= States El Paso Police= Local.
Where is Federalism found in the Constitution? The 10th amendment is called the federalism amendment. Article 4 explains how federalism works.
The Amendment Process
Why do we amend the Constitution? The constitution is a living document. The Constitution has 27 changes/additions. These changes are called amendments. The Constitution is changed when the nation changes and the nation wants new rights/rules.
What are some famous amendments? The Bill of Rights (1-10)- Protects our individual rights. 13th Amendment- Ended slavery. 19th Amendment- Women can vote.
How do we amend the Constitution? It is very hard to amend the Constitution. First, it must be proposed (introduced) by 2/3 of the states or Congress. Then, it must be ratified (approved) by 3/4 of the states.