Determining Policy Efficient Management Strategies in Fisheries Using Data Envelopment Analysis Wade L. Griffin and Richard T. Woodward Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M
2 Consider a basic fisheries model
3 How does bycatch affect the model?
4 What if there are multiple species
5 In analyzing management strategies, the sustainable revenue/yield curves are frontiers.
6 Where is optimum yield? The OY is typically equated with MSY subject to relevant economic, social, and ecological factors which may reduce MSY
7 The Gulf of Mexico Red Snapper Fishery Modeled using the General Bioeconomic Fishery Simulation Model (GBFSM) Calibrated using a “burn-in” period and data from 1985 to Is a density dependent model, in contrast to the most recent South East Data, Assessment, and Review for Red Snapper (SEDAR 7)
8 Simulations (calibrated) for the Gulf Red Snapper under base recreational Management Strategy (MS) Spawning stock S/S 0 (stock/virgin stock) Age 2 recruits
9 5,632 policy simulations TAC: from 5 to 36 m pounds in one m pound increments with 51% allocated to the commercial sector and 49% to recreational sector (n=32) Bag limit: from 1 to 4 fish (n=4) Minimum size limit: from 13 to 16 inches in one inch increments (n=4) Opening of the recreational fishing season: from January 1 to June 1 in half month increments (n=11). The GBFSM will close the RS recreational fishery when its share of the TAC is filled.
10 Results: East-Gulf
11 Key points – East Gulf Yield Surplus MSY MEY Base
12 West Gulf
13 Red Snapper & All Reef fish
14 Different TACs (all)
15 Different TACs (5-12)
16 Different TACs (13-20)
17 Different TACs (21-28)
18 Different Bag Limits (East)
19 Different Bag Limits (West)
20 Different Size Limits (East)
21 Different Size Limits (West)
22 Different opening dates (East)
23 Different opening dates (West)
24 Which MSs are efficient & sustainable?
25 Which MSs are efficient & sustainable?
26 How do the MSs affect surplus? Using the set of policies that are efficient and sustainable (whole Gulf). Regressed different measures of surplus on the policy options
27 How do the MSs affect surplus?
28 Summary and conclusions Not all management strategies are efficient Current MSs for the Gulf Red Snapper appear to be very conservative Separate management of the east and west Gulf appears to be quite attractive