Common Core State Standards Audrey Lee Director, Curriculum & Educational Technology September 2013
Why the Change to CCSS? Ready for College AND Career (CCR) Success in a Global Society
What is a College and Career Ready Student?
What’s Important in the CCSS? Overall Literacy Math Writing is central Support arguments with evidence Use technology Connect learning to the real world Learn the vocabulary Much more non-fiction reading and writing Pay close attention to the texts Learn the concept, not just the formula Solve problems many ways Explain your reasoning
SBAC: Big Testing Changes Testing Environment All Online Computer Adaptive Format Not just multiple choice Short answer, essay, and real world application “Performance Tasks”
We’re on the Road in Martinez “Toe in the Water” Learning about the change Transition Implement 5 Steps Pilot the new test (SBAC) Ramp Up Last STAR/SBAC Pilot Changes in what we teach and how we teach it 1:1 Technology Alignment First SBAC 1:1 in all grades 4 th -12 th
Want More Information? Parent Handouts Tonight MUSD Website RSVP for Parent Forum: Oct. 6:30 Just ask!