The value of iSites Course iSites are typically recreated each year. Not so with standard iSites. iSites are important administrative tools, used for:


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Presentation transcript:

The value of iSites Course iSites are typically recreated each year. Not so with standard iSites. iSites are important administrative tools, used for: Public facing communication Administrative functions Private collaborations And so on – iSites can do everything! But the iSites platform is built on old technology and is no longer sustainable. 2

What does this mean for iSite owners? Migrating an iSite is not always a simple process. It might require the owner to: Review and confirm business requirements Find a platform that meets those requirements Confirm access to that platform Learn how to use the new platform Get buy-in from stakeholders Inventory the iSite Migrate navigation, content, images, video and files Launch a new site, with a new domain name But we are here to help. 3

We have a process 4 With over 1,100 iSites in FAS and no easy way to identify the owners or their department, we have to be efficient. Our process is: Empty sites - Make Inactive Affiliation – Match administrators to departments using Midas Liaisons – Find someone to help manage the iSites in departments s – Send to liaisons with list of iSites and status updates Survey – Collect metadata for each iSite that will migrate to other platforms Support – Partner with you to help with migrations Tracking – Update iSite status in Salesforce

We planned on two phases The plan: Phase One – FY15 –Identify all iSites that will NOT migrate and retire them (make them inactive) Phase Two – FY16 –Migrate all remaining iSites to a new platform The reality: –It’s not that simple… 5

Web platforms - not available to everyone OpenScholar – anyone with a Harvard ID Harvard Wikis –anyone with a Harvard ID Harvard Blog – academic content only Harvard SharePoint – for CA, HDS, HSPH, FAS, GSE, GSD, and Radcliffe Harvard Google Sites – for FAS Harvard Qualtrics –anyone with a Harvard ID except HMS, Dental, and HBS Canvas –informal learning experiences only 6

There are feature gaps Retiring the iSites platform leaves some gaps in our web service delivery, especially around: –Permissions –Signup tools –Granular access –Video publishing This process has also raised other issues: –Accessibility standards –Confidentiality (Level 3) standards –Collecting metadata for tracking and reporting –Redirects and domain naming processes –Replacing applications 7

Comparison chart on website 8

Library iSites – where are we now? 9

It’s not just retiring the platform 10 We are working towards these outcomes: Sustainable web platforms that meet key website owner needs Improved overall user experiences Strategic solutions to issues identified during discovery process Comprehensive, accurate reporting Repository of website data for future Informed and satisfied customers Retirement of the iSites platform

Open issues – what stands in the way of migrations? Custom group permissions solution to replace the iCommons API User-friendly templates, customer support and training for SharePoint Clarity around support and training plans for the Wiki and Wordpress Decisions about accessibility and level 3 data for web platforms Video hosting solution Clarity on cost of using HUIT web platforms Reluctance to support multiple platforms 11

Group permissions –system of record and custom Progress Convened a working group to collect business requirements Agreement by IAM to put development on roadmap for winter 2016 Challenges Platforms are responsible for integrating permissions solution Needs of other departments such as ATS and the Cloud might impact progress Work cannot start until after January 12

Confidentiality – many iSites still have level 3 data Progress Discussing options with the Office of Security SharePoint and Harvard Google are solutions for many (not all) users Challenges Not all schools have access to SharePoint and Harvard Google OpenScholar, the Wiki and Wordpress require development effort to meet standards 13

Accessibility – only OpenScholar meets WCAG 2.0 AA Progress There is an ongoing effort to define solutions for accessibility compliance Currently, only OpenScholar meets these standards Challenges Any iSites that require compliance to WCAG 2.0 AA should migrate to an accessible platform There are no controls in OpenScholar to ensure that site owners are maintaining compliance Sites that want/need to use the Wiki, Google Sites, or Wordpress will not be compliant 14

Video hosting – for non-course video Progress We have business requirements Most schools have their own video solution (or will have) Challenges FAS has no non-course video solution when iSites retires There are 6000 FAS and CA videos uploaded to VPT iSite videos are currently hosted on AWS but users cannot manage videos there Funding model for video hosting platforms such as Mediasite 15

Archiving – an open question Progress We are collecting data about archiving needs of retiring iSites for retention We are working with the Library Archivist to define requirements for preservation Challenges The GRS has retention requirements for administrative documents If a solution is not provided, many users will want to migrate their iSites to a new platform even though they no longer need them except for reference 16

The good news is… 17 HLS has retired or migrated 99% (278/281) HKS has retired or migrated 97% (158/163) CA has retired or migrated 91% (949/1,039) HUIT has retired or migrated 86% (473/553) HSPH has retired or migrated 82% (494/604) GSD has retired or migrated 81% (175/215) HDS has retired or migrated 76% (66/87) GSE has retired or migrated 74% (744/999) FAS has retired or migrated 74% (889/1,196) DCE has retired or migrated 13% (13/104)

But we still have a long way to go…1,054 iSites 18 We will continue to plan, adjust, communicate, partner, and push until we get there.

Standard iSite Migration Support 19 Please contact me at or visit our website for more If you have an iSite and want help with your next steps: Submit a ticket to Complete the form on our website or Contact your IT support team at your school or department or Contact me directly