26 April 2010 Session I-B: issues - other than GPG - related to Gender differences in economic security Didier Dupré, Eurostat, discussant UNECE Work Session on Gender Statistics SESSION I: Gender differences in economic security SUB-SESSION B: Other issues related to gender differences in economic security
26 April 2010 SUB-SESSION B: Other issues related to gender differences in economic security 2 Presentation by Spain of a general overview of the evolution over years of the needs and developments of gender statistics and indicators as well as the current strengthening of some of them due to the economic downturns Presentation by OECD of the effect of “social institutions” (family code, physical integrity, son preference, civil liberties, ownership rights) on labour market segregation and feminisation of bad quality jobs (developing countries) Presentation by Italy on the different strategies for the division of economic role (partner’s earnings) in couples (EU and IT in particular) as well as of their underlying socio-economic factors Session I-B – Presentation of invited papers
26 April 2010 SUB-SESSION B: Other issues related to gender differences in economic security 3 Presentation by Moldova of the survey on Conditions for enterprises’ creation and development and the main results on characteristics of and difficulties faced by female entrepreneurs Presentation by Georgia on Georgian gender statistics with a focus on women in decision making and gender segregation in the labour market Presentation by the Russian Federation of Russian labour market statistics in the current economic downturns and gender-related results (LFS data) Session I-B – Presentation of supporting papers
26 April 2010 SUB-SESSION B: Other issues related to gender differences in economic security 4 Still important role of “cultural” factors (social institutions / norms, incl. religion (+ fiscal)) in the economic role of women nowadays, even in “developed” countries: –traditional specialisation in housework + care of children and elderly –When they participate to labour market women still suffer segregation, being overrepresented in part time jobs and sectors allowing easier compromise with family responsibilities but proving lower earnings (including agriculture), and underrepresented among, e.g., entrepreneurs (also segregation to, e.g., smaller businesses) –More difficulty to access to financing, capital, ownership Other main factors: education and household economic well being Do the economic downturns make it worse (for unemployment women situation didn’t improve but men situation worsen) ? Session I-B – Some key elements from presentations
26 April 2010 SUB-SESSION B: Other issues related to gender differences in economic security 5 How to improve the statistical measurement and analysis of the women economic role / gender differences in economic security, as well as the monitoring of policies for improving the situation ? Not new but better defined and increasingly demanded with the economic downturns (e.g., “Stiglitz”), from a gender perspective: –Further develop gender breakdowns (mainstreaming), incl. “green jobs” –Better measure time use, including unpaid household services –More measurement of perceived / “subjective” elements of well-being –Develop indicators of ownership, use and access to wealth and capital –More intra-households analyses (LFS, SILC) EU purposes, from a gender perspective: –European Socio-economic classification –Skills measurement / classifications ? Session I-B – Some key elements from presentations