Women’s economic empowerment – it’s about money and more…
Definitions of women’s empowerment Beijing Declaration: Ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in power structures and decision making Increase women’s capacity to participate in decision making and leadership
Elements of WEE Access/control of: Credit Land Skills Information Producitve inputs Labour market Income
Obstacles to WEE Women’s low: education level social capital legal literacy low decision making power participation in society and politics
Obstacles to WEE Gender biased legislation (land/income/inheritance/divorce etc.) Reproductive burden Poor health/gender-based-violence (GBV) Unemployment Poor self-image/self-esteem Gender discrimination/segregation in the labor market Women’s mobility constrains
Gender inequality hinders economic growth and the promotion of social development
WEE interventions Promote female producers/marketers associations Promote women’s participation in public works programs Rehabilitate infrastructure Awareness raising about GBV and support services for victims Provide information and business services for women entrepreneurs Identify and address obstacles for women’s businesses
Thank you Tack شكرا
Focus on women’s access to: Credit Entrepreneurship Markets Employment